December 4, 2008

You'd Better Watch Your Back Rudolph . . .

Two posts ago I jokingly asked the question, "Do people eat reindeer?" because the RedDog had disguised himself as one.

Today in my online news browsing, I find this:

"It's a good time of year to get attention for the plight of the poor reindeer, which is not treated with reverence by today's herders, according to animal rights activists. A group in England is taking this holiday season to call attention to the way these animals are treated by protesting IKEA's sales of reindeer salami."

Some random thoughts are floating through my head right now: I love IKEA. RedDog loves salami. I wonder if he'd eat reindeer salami. Are reindeer in danger of extinction? I should put my dad on this . . . he's all about the whales and polar bears, why not add reindeer.

It is now no wonder to you all why my holiday decorating has come to a complete standstill.


chelsea said...

yikes! I can't wait to see what the pops says!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

reindeer salami!!?? Yuck!

The Queen Vee said...

Reindeer salami probably just tastes like salami.

Salami to me is kind of like a big hotdog and we know what goes into those....or....we really don't want to know what goes into hotdogs or salami.

Isn't it nice to know that every living creature has someone who is trying to save or protect them. What I wonder is, where do they find all that time to organize and protest.

Apis Melliflora said...

This group of reindeer salami protesters in England gets my goat. There are many needy people in the world; couldn't they make salami sandwiches and distribute some of them to such people instead!?

Tobi said...

Reindeer Salami? It just makes me so glad they don't sell that in the states. It sounds horrifying.