December 8, 2008

Home For The Holidays

Over the next few days I'm going to give you a tour of what our home is like for the holidays. The traditions, the decor, the joy and the chaos.

Today, I thought I'd start with the front door! Nothing says "Welcome to my home for the holidays" like a great wreath on the door. For years we had a house whose front door was in direct sun most of the day. I purchased a live wreath once, but it fried pretty quickly so I moved to an artificial wreath which frankly, wasn't that great.

Now, with our front door shaded on the porch, I make my trek to Costco each year and buy a $15.99 live wreath. It's such a great deal and usually lasts through January. I sit in the Costco picking through all the wreaths, inhaling the delicious pine scent until the perfect wreath catches my eye.

Once I get home with my purchase (and $100 worth of other supersized finds) the first thing I always do is cut off the awful plastic holly berries that are on the wreath. I find them to be a little offensive. If I want live holly, I can just cross the street and snip some from my neighbor's gorgeous holly bush. (with permission, of course) Then I add whatever strikes my fancy in a given year to make the wreath special. This year I added some rusty ornaments that I didn't put on my tree and great burlap ribbon leftover from a project two years ago.

If you came to my house, this is what would greet you. What do you put on your front door for Christmas?
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Emily said...

Looks great! A great welcome indeed!

Apis Melliflora said...

Like the different textures on your wreath and that red door in the background--my personal fav!

squeezeme said...

I love your wreath and the natural ribbon with the red door looks fab!
This year I made two beautiful fresh wreaths from scratch with three different types of evergreenery. (my own word) I added big read loosely tied bow on each wreath and two little lighted Christmas trees in my black pots on either side of my door and to me they just shout out "Merry Christmas!" to all who pass by.

Kasey said...

I too have a red door and I also have a wreath. I found mine for $5 at a garage sale this summer!!!

Tobi said...

You are so creative Sam. I can't believe how beautiful your wreath is. Great job!

A few Christmas's ago I got a gigantic wild and fake wreath from Hobby Lobby. It's taken over most of our front door!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

I put vinyl letters "welcome", but it doesn't look right. I was just thinking I need to head to Costco for a wreath, instead! I love yours!!!

Hil said...

Knock, knock.
Who's there?

An awesome Christmas wreath!

The Queen Vee said...

Nothing says "Welcome it's Christmas" like a good old fashioned fresh pine wreath. Love Costco, love your wreath, love my wreath too.