December 31, 2008

See - You Totally Want It!

A couple of you have asked for more information on Veronica, the plush throw I got for Christmas. One of you even threatened to come steal Veronica. Here is a link to the information at Restoration so you can have your very own throw. They are conveniently on sale right now and come in a variety of colors. I'm sure they'd love you to own them and name them something like Leslie or Sheila. Enjoy!;jsessionid=PYAKSCQP41OCBLAWCUASAOVMCYKACH20?navAction=jump&navCount=0&categoryId=cat1562029


Tobi said...

Oh Hugh! (Jackman) Your the only plushy blanket for me. (Snicker)

Hil said...

Checked it out and ordered already.
Thanks for the link, Sam. :)
Picked one up in blush and had it shipped to the house for $29.80!
Sweet deal. Blush and white were further discounted and used promotional code RATG019 for an extra 10% off.

Think I'll name mine Edward. Woot!

Suzanne C said...

Hugh's great! Edward is even tempting...something timeless, oh, and squishy (this is worse than naming my children!) geez, once upon a time it would have been Vince (Gill), Daniel (Day Lewis), hmmm. I'll have to think about it more before I commit(maybe that's why I didn't get married til I was 30!), but I'm leaning toward Ray Miland or Cary Grant!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I'm feeling a little sad! My color choices are all sold out now.

I realize I should just start liking blush and white, but I can't. I really wanted chocolate brown. :(

So sad for me.

Shell in your Pocket said...

Happy New Year to you!! I love Restoration Hardware!
-sandy toes