December 15, 2008

One Week. . .

I decided to take a week off of blogging. One entire week. No sitting down to the computer to pen thoughts or edit pictures or read comments. I realized that it was time to put my family and our holidays first. Time to get some shopping and shipping, some baking and taking, some laughing and tickling done and not see my life in "blogworthy" moments, but to just experience it in all its true joy and glory.

And today, well today is all about this fine boy here. Today he is eleven. And so to him I give these words as a gift:

Sweet Chris with your inventive mind, goofy sense of humor and sensitive spirit, for eleven straight years you have held my heart with such strength that I have wondered how it could be possible from such tiny hands. And all of the sudden when I looked, they weren't tiny any more. Those little hands I used to hold and kiss are big and calloused. They work and play hard. They make music and write stories. You are growing and changing and becoming such a fantastic young man right before my eyes. I love you and hope the very best this world has to offer you. You will always be my first baby, who fit on my lap and looked up at me with sparkly eyes and a wide grin. You will always, always hold my heart. Happy Birthday Buddy.


Apis Melliflora said...

Dear young man,

Have a splendiforous birthday! If you don't get a Hogwarts' letter, hope you at least get lots of fun cards and presents to send you off into the 'tweener years!

Dear mom,

You write so well...full of heart.

Lori Gerten said...

That was really sweet. Isn't it crazy that our children grow up so quickly?

Good job being a mom!

Stacey Gerlach Moe said...

I know it is not the same, but I can't believe my little boy is already 5 weeks old. It seems like he was just born yesterday. I am guessing these 11 years went by very quickly!!!

LJB said...


Happy Birthday! What a great tribute your mother wrote for you! I know you already know this, but you have a pretty fantastic mom too!

Susan said...

Happy Birthay Chris!

The Queen Vee said...

There is something about those first babies, they have the ability to imprint on ones heart and soul for eternity.

Chris, eleven years ago we were there to welcome you into this world. For the first three weeks of your life I think you were held constantly. Without a doubt you are loved beyond your ability to understand, but some day you will.

Happy Birthday Chris, I appreciate that you kind of let me still hold you. You're growing so fast that I think soon you'll be holding me though.

Tobi said...

What a sweet blog Sam. I love how you describe the love squeeze Chris has put on your heart. Your a great Mom and you have a swell son!

Happy Birthday Chris!

Emily said...

I was getting worried about you. Almost called today.
Oh how I remember when baby Chris was born. We were so excited! Where does time go?
Happy Birthday from your first neighbors and friends who were just a rock throw away!

Lori said...

Happy Birthday Chris...these next few years are going to be lots of fun for you...lots of growth, lots of changes, lots of discoveries! The best is yet to come. Give your mom a big squeeze from me and have a fabulous celebration today.

Sue said...

Sometimes Lily gets sad because she'll never get to be the "baby". She'll always just be the big sister. Those are the times I remind her that she is the one who made me a Mama. That always makes her smile.