WeheadedsouthtoRoanoke, VirginiathisweekendwhereHannie B washonoredatthestatePTA convention for her "PhotographyOutstandingInterpretation" in theReflectionsCompetitionrepresentingthestateofVirginia. ThePTA put us up in a 5 star hotel for thenight, weattended a lovelyluncheonwithallthehonorees and enjoyed an afternoon in thedelightfulhistoricdowntownofRoanoke. Here are Hannie B and I in ourmatchingoutfits (ofherchoosing) aftertheluncheon. I'llpost a slideshowlatertonight. RightnowI'vegotto go rake 5 million leavessowecanfindourback yard again. Wayto go HB!
WOW! That is so awesome! Congratulations Hannah and I love your creativity! Like I've said before creativity passes through the DNA--from the mother to daughter through the generations!
That is the coolest!!! (MY VERY BEST friend is from Troutville, which is so close to Roanoake, I am jealous you were there! I am at least ten hours away!)
Congrats to Hannie! She is a SUPER STAR and is gonna be some serious artist/crafter/business lady some day! Remember the lil' people Hannie! You two look so sweet in your outfits...I love gray and pink!
Help Dragonfly! I need your experienced blogging advice about how to post a slideshow within a post. Got some slides I need to post, and last night I couldn't figure it out.......so I just pasted them in individually...but there are more.
You both looks os classy and happy in your matching ensembles!
A BIG CONGRATS MISS HANNAH! You are a super star!
Way to go Hannah! Love the outfits.
WOW! That is so awesome! Congratulations Hannah and I love your creativity! Like I've said before creativity passes through the DNA--from the mother to daughter through the generations!
Good job. Cute outfits!
You both look so cute!!!!!!!
The creativity apple did not fall far from the tree!!
What was Hannie B's favorite part of the trip and the hotel?
Love the pink and brown combo and the big smiles aplenty. It all goes together perfectly. Great job Hannah! I need a wardrobe consult!
Hannie B you're always a star shining brightly for me.
Congrats on the recognition you recieved for your beautiful winning art!
That is the coolest!!!
(MY VERY BEST friend is from Troutville, which is so close to Roanoake, I am jealous you were there! I am at least ten hours away!)
Congrats to Hannie! She is a SUPER STAR and is gonna be some serious artist/crafter/business lady some day! Remember the lil' people Hannie! You two look so sweet in your outfits...I love gray and pink!
I just have to say one more thing. Love the skirt, Sam!
Help Dragonfly! I need your experienced blogging advice about how to post a slideshow within a post. Got some slides I need to post, and last night I couldn't figure it out.......so I just pasted them in individually...but there are more.
merci, mamela
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