November 5, 2008

Seeing Red . . .

Nope. This post doesn't have anything to do with those darn elections. (And I'm not going to talk about that right now since I'm trying to get myself into a "respect the office of the President no matter who he is" mode.)

Instead, I'm seeing red somewhere in my house and I thought I'd give you a sneak preview before I unveil the finished product tomorrow. I'll give one hint and then let's see if anyone can guess what it is: By showing you this project, I am breaking a rule of mine which you can find in this post . Let the guessing begin. First one to get both the room and the project correct will get a special Thanksgiving treat in the mail from me.

Family of mine, you are not allowed to guess since most of you already know about the project. Sorry! But I'll still make you a Thanksgiving treat.

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Tobi said...

Are you painting the roses red?

My real guess is you are painting your garage door red to match your red front door.

Lori Gerten said...

Please come to my house and redecorate. I'll pay the plane fare and heck, bring the kids!!!

You and Stace can catch up and then we can chit chat and you can redecorate my ghetto pad. What would you do with the fish??????

chelsea said...

red-dogs room!

Emily said...

hmmmm, a science fair project?

Emily said...
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Julie said...

Okay, so it's something in your bedroom. What could it be? Cubbies on the closet?

Kasey said...

I think that you are painting the entrance by your garage and putting house #'s on it.

Apis Melliflora said...

You recreated the door from #4 Privet Drive somewhere in your house and your decorating inginuity has won you and the family the very first tickets to Disney's Hogwarts/Hogsmead attraction.

Very cool.

The Queen Vee said...

Well it doesn't look like the town of Leesburg that's for sure!

Lynne said...

Are you working on painting some kind of organizational system in your garage? When you're finished, will you come do mine?

Tanya Z said...

it's in your bedroom... but what i have no idea

Ruby Red Slippers said...

numbers on a door, or garage...I asked my hub. to take a look, and he said we are all so silly! (Don't care-just curious!!!)