November 21, 2008


I love parent/teacher conferences. I'm always ready to see how my kids have adjusted to a new school year and to get some one on one time with their teacher. But by far my favorite part of the conferences is inevitably learning something quirky about my kids that makes my gut hurt as I get in the car and bust up laughing.

I am rarely disappointed and this year was no different. I thought I'd play a little game with you though and see if you can match the hilarity to the kid. Your kid choices are:

Big C (lover of small, white, fuzzy stuffed animals and swinging on the hammock)

Hannie B (lover of all things girly, like this cheerleader shirt and this necklace she stole from me)

The RedDog (hater of warts, warts being frozen off, and having to wear bandaids to cover warts)

Here are the teacher comments (summarized by me) for you to match up to my kiddoes:

A. Makes small children cry by stealing their stickers.

B. Is having a love affair with the school nurse.

C. Great grades, super smart, but talks way too much.

Match 'em up! And thank you children, for making your momma laugh. I needed that. (ps. All three kids are geniuses, so I don't worry about this other stuff.)


Tobi said...

I'm going to say Hannie B is stealing stickers and making kids cry. Red Dog is having a flagrant affair with the school nurse. And Big C is too smart and too verbose for his own good.

Awesome post Sam. I can't wait to hear who did what!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

Hannah is the talker,
Red Dog is in love with the nurse- but I don't see a sticker stealer in the bunch! Not possible!
Tell me this was a trick question!

LJB said...

This is just a total guess, but I would say.....Big C loves the nurse, RedDog loves the little kids stickers, and Hannah B. is the talker! Am I even close.......????

Apis Melliflora said...

Just to mix it up a little:

Soren steals the nurse, making kids cry.
Hannah lovingly worships talking.
Chris gives away his stickers.

I'm thinking LJB gets the prize though.

P.S. I'm intreagued by the sticker stealer...that would have been me.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

So many possibilities...

I think I may have to go with C for the nurse. FYI - my Sparky is having his own affair with the nurse.

I think I may have to go with the Banana for the sticker-stealer for her art. It's all for the art. And, I can see squirrel doing this - BUT it's a total toss-up between her and Red for this title and the next one for me.

The talker - again, I'm going with Red but I can see this one as a Banana one too. I can see Scuffy having this issue, and I know Squirrel does.

Very intrigued.

My conferences were interesting this year. Squirrel is chatty and only participates when she feels the class project is worthy of her attention. Sparky has started "outbursting" angrily (can you see that out of him? yeah, he's started doing this) when he thinks the teacher is wrong. Apparently having to use his brain now that they are doing multiple step multiplication is stressing him out. HA HA.

I need to call you.

Julie said...

It's RedDog with the crush in the nursing station.

Big C with the stickers and the crying kids.

Hannie B talking up a storm.

But wait, the fact that Hannie B "stole" your necklace ... was that a red herring or a real clue? I'm second guessing myself. So now I'm saying:

Big C talking up a storm.

Hannie B with the stickers and the crying kids.

Anonymous said...

okay, my guesses are:

big c: school nurse love affair
hannah b: talker
red dog: sticker stealer

thanks for getting me psyched for my conferences on monday!

Melodrama Mama said...

Hi Samantha!
It was great to meet you (finally) tonight! Can you send me the name of your vinyl contact? Thanks! Hope you had fun at TWILIGHT!