I actually had someone ask me why I haven't started a food blog yet. It's because I'm a total food poser. People like my sis-in-law Audrey are qualified to have a food blog. I'm qualified to say something every now and again about food I love that mostly other people make.
Today I want to encourage all who have not yet had the privilege to get themselves over to the grocery store and buy a Honeycrisp Apple.
I am a certified apple snob. Red Delicious - eww! Squishy, bland and used for school lunches. Granny Smith - nope. Too sour for cutting and eating, even if great for baking. Gala - overdone. Pink Lady - not crisp enough. I could go on and on about graininess, texture, size, etc. Enter the Honeycrisp.
First a little history: The Honeycrisp apple (Malus pumila cultivar Honeycrisp) was adopted as the state fruit of Minnesota in 2006. The apple was produced from a 1960 cross of Macoun and Honeygold apples, as part of the University of Minnesota apple breeding program to develop a winter-hardy tree with high quality fruit.
Honeycrisp apples are characterized by an exceptionally crisp and juicy texture. They are a perfect mix of honey sweetness and hint of tartness. When you bite into a Honeycrisp, you hear that crackling sound that tells you it's a good one - EVERY TIME! This apple is considered "dessert quality" which in my mind means it could be cut up and served by itself as a dessert. It is also good for use in baking desserts.
These apples are not cheap. You will not find them on sale for 99 cents a pound - ever. But my grocery store has had them on sale for $1.79 a pound the past three times I've shopped and I have hoarded the Honeycrisps into my cart like they were giving them away for free. I have eaten one of these apples every day for the past three weeks, feeling joy with each crunchy bite and thinking to myself, "This is what Autumn really tastes like. I love you apple."
Go give a Honeycrisp a try and let me know what you think. And if you eat Red Delicious apples, shame on you.
I have to agree with you. I just had a honey crisp last night.
Honeycrisps are the best! Crunchy! And sweet, but not too sweet!!!
I didn't know this type of Apple existed. You make me want to run to the store right now. I am craving one of these apples. I usually buy Galas. I'll be on the look out. Hope I can find one.
Honey you know how to pick them and an Apple a day keeps the doctor away
This blog makes me exceedingly happy. An apple a day has tremendous health benefits too!
Honeycrisps are delish. So are Jonagolds. Gala gets us through the non-apple season.
You live in the wrong state. I won't pay over 99 cents a pound for honeycrisp - but those are my "dang it - they don't have my FAV apples in stock" apples.
The PINOVA my friend.
You'll thank me.
Anderson Zoo, they do not carry Pinova in any of the three grocery stores I frequent - must be something about the "woodsy/earthiness" of the people of WA state. I'm looking forward to you shipping me some Pinova's for the holiday . . . until then, I'm a honeycrisp girl through and through. :)
Being a Minnesotan I am a huge fan of honeycrisp. We don't get it any cheaper here either!
Funny thing. .. as I was reading your blog I was munching on a honeycrisp. I kid you not!!!!!
Give me a grape, a strawberry or a banana anyday. I am so not an apple girl. Although your blog made me consider at least trying one.
You are the second person this week who has raved over the honeycrisp apple. I went out and bought a bunch...but, I must say, they were not my favorite *gasp* Perhaps I got a bad bunch. The ones I had were lacking in tartness and a bit too sweet. They were not super crisp, either. Perhaps I need to try again. Until then, I will stick with my Jonathans when I can find them...and Pink Lady's when I cannot.
Lots of heirloom apple varieties growing in these mountains. Sheep's Nose is a favorite, flavorful with hints of pear and cinnamon. The narrow bottom looks like a sheep's nose. Liberty, similar to MacIntosh and Cortland but smaller and crunchier. Interestingly, Japanese varieties grow well here. Try Mutsu! My favorite pie apple.
I love these apples. It makes me proud to be from Minnesota.
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