October 6, 2008

What Were They Thinking?

Last week I hit my local "decorator's superstore" in the quest for a simple white linen shower curtain to put in a newly painted bathroom. After coming up empty handed in the shower curtain department, I decided to wander the aisles - it's very therapeutic for me, you should try it. In the course of my wandering, I came across this really great linen fabric with a dragonfly print on it. Wouldn't it make a lovely shower curtain? Doesn't it just belong here on this blog?

Too bad it was attached to a chair that looked like this:

I almost don't know what to say. What style is that chair? What kind of wood is it? What did they think, a little nailhead trim could make it classy? Does the upside down price tag say $249.99? Wait, now I know what to say--

What were they thinking?

This chair even had a $249.99 twin. I may have to go back next week just to see if the pair has sold. After seeing this chair, my wandering took a turn and decided to search out the decorating questionables and share with you. Since this kind of store really does try to cover all styles and appeal to vastly different tastes, there were far too many choices to capture on film. So, I've winnowed it down to my top three (dragonfly chairs were #3).

My next stop was in the decorative pillow aisle. You know, the pillows we decorate our couches with and then throw on the floor once we decide to sit on the couches. I found this mauvey velvet pillow with an amber and gold beading lined up with several tasteful chocolate silk pillows. It seemed to be in the right place. Rich textures - check. Opulent fabrics - check. Elaborate detailing - check.

Turquoise and gold crab accent piece- uhhh . . . but seriously, if I'd gotten any closer, it may have pinched me. I didn't even look at the price on this pillow, because I was too busy trying to figure the crab thing out. Does it make sense? To anyone?

The last decorating victim of the day gets no credit for being anywhere close to almost possibly passable or usable in any home that I have ever been in. To its credit, however, I can say that it was on serious clearance - a total bargain at $19.99. I also wanted to tell this pillow that Sesame Street called, and Big Bird wants his feathers back.

There you have it - the best of the worst from my hour at the "decorating superstore". Although I didn't find my shower curtain, I did have fun with my digital camera and a little game I'm now choosing to call "Interior Designer To The Truly Tacky and Confused".

Have a great Monday!


Ruby Red Slippers said...

It all is horrible! Can you imagine it all in the same house!!!???

Emily said...


Nikki said...

Long time lurker, first time commenter. Love it! I love to just look around and am often baffled by some of the things that are actually for sale. And that someone would actually buy! I'm sure there are some really strange homes around.

Tobi said...

You mean you didn't purchase the feathered monstrosity posing as a pillow?

I love the dragonfly fabric on the chair. But the chair itself is just sad. It looks like some crazed artist tried to give it a mowhawk.

This is fun! Do it again!

The Queen Vee said...

I'm just speechless. I have no possible explanation for the decorative items featured except that Elvis would have liked them. They are fabulous tacky stunners!

Apis Melliflora said...

I only like the dragonfly fabric.
As to the others, there's no accouting for taste. But I will say
thank goodness we don't all like the same stuff. That would be very boring.

jd said...

hee hee. heeheeheeheehee...

Anonymous said...

Brave one, thank you for taking us to the dark side of interior design where few have dared to go.

Julie said...

I think I should be offended. I own an entire set of those chairs as well as the feather pillow and I wish I had a few of those other pillows. And why did the Queen feel the need to slander Elvis?

The Dragonfly said...

In defense of the Queen - she's been to Graceland and raised a son who thought he was Elvis. She knows her stuff.

In defense of Julie's taste - anyone?

Tobi said...

Julie has a sinus infection and is on heavy medication. It makes her loopy. She doesn't know Elvis died. SHHHHH.....

The Queen Vee said...


Because Elvis made it so easy to slander him...just take a pilgrimage to Graceland.

Julie said...

I have been to Graceland TWICE. As a matter of fact-- one of those times was with Shar who complained the entire time about the tackiness of the Elvis phenomenon. Unlike Shar, I love Elvis. But I always have to qualify that statement. I love skinny,young, hot Elvis. Not fat, old, sweaty Elvis.

And I'm over the sinus infection -- but thanks for defending me Tobi.

west wind said...

I had not previously incorporated these fiber arts into my understanding of rococo style. Thanks for that...I guess. Perhaps if a blue frog adorned the sequined pillow I'd have thought of it before. May your next shopping excursion be more soothing to the eyes.