October 3, 2008

Overcoming Bakeophobia . . .

If you are like me and grew up in a home with a mom who made legendary homemade bread and then married into a family with a mom who made even more legendary cinnamon rolls and dinner rolls, you would have the same problem I do - a crippling fear of baking said items due to a more than considerable chance of failure and almost sure reality of not meeting up to both the genetic and marital expectations. In my house this condition is known as BAKEOPHOBIA.

I took the first step in overcoming my fear back in December when I finally decided to give the MIL's cinnamon rolls another chance after several repeated sweet/sticky disasters. It helped that she was by my side, gently coaxing me and directing me. It also helped to learn that we needed to add a cup and a half of EXTRA flour to the recipe to make it work out here in the humid East.

After having what for me was a really tough trial last week, I needed some comfort and love in the form of the fluffy golden goodness of the MIL's dinner rolls, so I rolled up my sleeves, put on an apron and did the unthinkable - I baked. The result (pictured) was a batch of the loveliest rolls known to man - as in my man, the Hubby, who immediately scarfed one down and declared me a baking prodigy!

As for me, I knifed up a considerable portion of butter (I could write an entire post just on butter because I love it that much) onto my warm roll, poured myself a glass of milk, spooned up a little side of strawberry jam, and wallowed for a bit in my soft roll heaven. Look closely- do you see the butter melting on the side and sliding out the front? Oh yeah, it was SOOOOOO good!

And after it was done, or more appropriately, after I was done with it (and a few more) I felt much, much better. I've decided it's because it makes me think of my two moms who are both heroes to me and have made it through some tough times. I draw strength from their examples and I draw strength from their bread recipes. I think I might be over my bakeophobia!

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Emily said...

You just made me very hungry! Those rolls look delicious. Glad you overcame you Bakeophobia.

Apis Melliflora said...

The rolls smell so delicious from here. Now if I could just reach through my screen Willy Wonka style and wrap my fingers around some MIL doughy goodness, my taste buds would be in heaven!

Kernal Ken said...

As one of the recipients of the MIL rolls, along with a very delicious Linda Hartman casserole recipe, I stand in witness that Samantha has beaten her fears and has become a master chef, even if only selecting and then figuring out how to replicate the recipes of the generation before hers.

Hooah! Hooah! Lions! (Sam can explain)

The Queen Vee said...

now I am. Can't make that stuff anymore as it adds to many pounds to a body that is struggling to keep it's girlish figure. Plus you know the oven thing, that's another story.

The Queen Vee said...

Whoops, the first line of my comment should read....

I'm sure Mona is bursting at the seams with pride I know I am.

Tobi said...

As the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything would say, Your making me hungry!

The rolls look delicious and I agree with Apis. I want to reach through the screen and grab me some grub.

Jodie said...

Oh, looks so yummy. I have been baking with pumpkin lately, it's something in the fall air! I love it

Kasey said...

That looks yummy. Glad you they turned out for you. I love to bake but I'm afraid of rolls and breads!! Maybe I'll be brave like you soon. Thanks for the tip about the sinus infections. I think that you're on to something.

Julie said...

Seriously, Sam. What the heck? Are you trying to make me feel inadequate? I love bread so much. It's just about my favorite thing in life. I was CRAVING homemade cinnamon rolls this week. But did I bake? That would be a no. I used to have dreams of being a perfect homemaker -now I am the stereotypical single girl ... I buy things -- I rarely make things.

However I had to make 5 dozen brownies last night for a church function. I had such grand plans for 3 different types. I bought stuff for mint brownies, tuxedo brownies, and chocolate-iced brownies. In my vision of the perfect brownie, they were going to be perfectly square and perfectly iced. Instead I am going to show up to the event tonight with dozens of gooey, misshapen brownies with powdered sugar on top. I'm such a loser.

The Dragonfly said...

Julie Gill - We need to have a get together. And I'm going to bake these rolls for you. Then we're going to sit and eat them while I tell you how much you are NOT a loser and how fantasic I think you are! Won't that be fun?!

Lori Gerten said...

Yum! You just made me want to whip up a big batch of homemade bread. I can bake cookies like nobody's business but I cannot make a great bread!!!

I want to eat that yummy dinner roll! And those cinnamon rolls sound wayyyyy too yummy!

Joy said...

You can bake me some of those delicious rolls if it will help you overcome your bakephobia. I'm here to help and give you all the support you need! ;~)
Your little cloche stand came out very cute. And I enjoyed the story of receiving a sweet surprise from the lady you VT. It's nice when you feel like you're visiting a friend that you wouldn't have made if you hadn't been assigned to VT.

Tausha said...

mouth watering! Looks and sounds delish! I too have this baking sickness-I unfortuanely have not conquered this fear, as you have-but I am willing to try. You inspired-or maybe it was the butter/jam yumminess!
So-are you going to post the recipe-or is it a family secret? I would love it! So wish that you were closer-I would be knocking on the door and begging for my own plate of goodness!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

Yum! Wish I was there to add ten pounds (from the looks of it!) to my rear end! That looks amazing! I love to bake, but hate to cook-cookophobia??

southerninspiration said...

I'd say you're cured...they look scrumptious!!!!

jd said...

are those Butter Refrigerator Rolls, by chance? Whatever they are... ohhhh, yeahhh. I am very glad now that I'm coming to visit you soon. I am now expecting a LOT.


Suzanne C said...

You know, it would be soooo nice if you could maybe, ummm, share THAT recipe....oh and since I'm being oh, what is the word...presumptious?...what was the tip on sinus infections? They just seem to be a part of my family's winter tradition here in AZ. Love yer stuff! Thanks for sharing!

The Dragonfly said...

Yeah, still checking with the MIL on whether or not I can share the recipe for her rolls.

The sinus infection tip is this: google the "Neti Pot". It is a strange looking thing, but my good friend here swears by it for her son who is horribly inflicted with sinus infections.

Unknown said...

I hear you on the bakeophobia wow what a word, I can't make rolls to save my life but you've inspired me to try again, I wonder how much flour extra flour to add to our humid climate. Yum.