October 20, 2008

Make the Connection . . .

Sorry that the blogging has been sparse this past week. I've got my in-laws in town, we're playing hard and taking lots of pictures, but I want to be with them and not tied to my computer, so blogging has taken back seat. Things will return to normal later this week and I've got so much to post!

Until then, here's a trick question to get your minds rolling:

What do these two things have in common and why are they a part of my life right now?

Leave a comment and tell me what you think! The first person who gets it right (my family is NOT included) will get a little Halloween treat in the mail from yours truly.


Sue said...

Chris has been assigned a home science project. He's dissecting a frog, and since you didn't have any of those T-shaped needle thingies, you're using duct tape to hold down the frog's legs.

Hil said...

All I can think of is someone has a wart from a frog that you put duct tape on so it would die...

I know... I know...

Lori said...

UMMMMMM Always DUCK when a FROG tries to kiss you? No Seriously...Hannah kissed a frog hoping it would turn into a prince that could accompany her while trick or treating? The duck tape is to make sure the prince stays securely fastened to her for the duration of the evening. You know those princes are known for being a little jumpy!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

My son (my frog lover son)said you are trying to catch one and keep it as a pet-That is what he would do with a frog and tape....
I agree with hil-my nephew has duct tape on his fingers whenever he has a wart! I am always saying, what in the world?! and He reminds me ...and shows me...ewww! But it does seem to work...

Apis Melliflora said...

The right answer is this: very soon you plan to hop over to a mid-western state, in a surburb that just happens to be right next to the world headquarters of Manco, home of the ever popular Duck Tape, to visit some very stickey people who will be jumping with joy to see you again.

My second best guess: duck tape can turn any decorating frog into a visually appealing prince. It's almost as good as WD-40 or 3M velcro tabs.

Julie said...

I'm with Hil. That's exactly what I thought. Someone has a wart. People think warts come from toads, and some say that you can get rid of warts by putting duct tape on them.

Kernal Ken said...

1. The Duck tape was used to make a trap to catch the toad/frog that came back into your bathroom again.

2. Hannah is making a princess costume for Halloween out of Duck tape and will carry her frog Prince with her when she goes trick or treating.

3. The Duck tape and frog are the same color palette as the rest of your house. They have become you latest decorating accessories.

4. Soren, frog, Duck tape....that's the connection.

The Queen Vee said...

I actually left the last comment not Kernal Ken although it looks like something he might have written.

Tobi said...

My guess is you've captured a live frog. You are going to wrap it in silver duct tape to make it look like a Frog-Knight. Said Frog-Knight will be accompanying Redog for trick or treats night. A frog makes good security sense when carrying around all those precious treats.

I'm right. Right??

jd said...

well, the OBVIOUS answer is that you are making a floral arrangement of orange and black carnations you bloomed and dyed yourself, and are using a floral 'frog' to hold them in place inside of the hollowed-out pumpkin and/or gourd you've crafted for a vase. The duct tape is to fix the leak on the tubing of the indoor water feature the arrangement is presented on and which you created out of bendy-straws, Chinet and some common driveway gravel. Durr. You can't fool us, Sam, we all know how super-creative and crafty you are.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I have absolutely no idea and my brain is too fried to think it through. However, you will be seeing a treat on your doorstep within the next day or two. TaTa!!

Kasey said...

I'm thinking a wart as well.