October 17, 2008

Innovative . . .

What do you do if you want to ride your bike but can't bear to part with your dearest and truest stuffed friend? You get creative and go for a ride! RedDog's turtle "Shelly" has become the new obsession and I got a little giggle out of his clever solution for a true predicament. Ride on RedDog!

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Kasey said...

That is too cute.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

That is precious! We added a front pack so our five year old can take his stuffed choc. lab on EVERY bike ride...

The Queen Vee said...

Red Dog you give me the warm fuzzies! It' always best to do things with a good friend.

Apis Melliflora said...

Red Dog,

I like that your turtle has a double shell...or to look at it a different way: two houses. His life is rich indeed!

Tobi said...

Way to innovate Redog! The pictures only enhance the cuteness. Thanks for sharing and showing off Shelly.