October 15, 2008

A Tribute To The Builder . . .

This snapshot pretty much exemplifies my decorating philosophy - I like to keep things cottage, very light and airy with a few rich touches here and there and a nod now and then to traditional style. Can you tell what this lovely picture is? Don't worry - I'm gonna tell ya!

I have purposely avoided photographing my bedroom for this blog for several reasons: First, it's a personal sanctuary for me and the Hubby, and I like to keep it that way. Second, it always seems to be the least "done" room in the house because no one sees it. Third, it always seems to be the room with the laundry piled on the floor for washing, or the folded laundry on the floor waiting to be put away.

But something has happened in my life and now I am going to share this one part of my bedroom with you. Please indulge me for a minute and take a gander at my beautiful four poster bed.

I have often told people that if there were ever a fire in my home there would be two items I'd take out strapped to my back (knowing that my family was out safely, OF COURSE) - this bed and a pie safe that was built by my grandfather. What is so special about it, you're wondering? I'm gonna tell you that too! This bed was handcrafted for me and my sweetheart by my beloved Uncle Kirk, my mom's baby brother.

Kirk is truly a master woodworker and having this bed built by him fulfilled a dream for me. I have long admired his amazing ability to transform ugly old beaten up antiques, revealing their true intention and character. I have always marveled at how he makes furniture - out of his imagination- and it looks better than anything you could buy in a store! I have always admired that he followed in the footsteps of my grandfather and learned to take a simple piece of wood, add patience, time, creativity and attention to detail, and craft remarkable beauty with his hands. He is just ultra, ultra talented.

But that's not all. Kirk is also a really great uncle. He and his wife Julie (who I really have a little hero worship thing for) have really helped me out at some of the crossroads of my life. It was Kirk and Julie who sat with me as I cried uncontrollably when my first love broke my heart. It was Kirk and Julie who took the Hubby and I into their home for several months while we waited for the construction of our first home to be completed. Kirk and Julie were at my wedding. Kirk and Julie were at the blessing of my first child.

Why, why is this crazy dragonfly girl telling you all this stuff about some uncle? Well, last week we learned that my Uncle Kirk has Mantle Cell Lymphoma - a very rare and aggressive form of cancer that attacks the lymphatic system. This news is nothing short of devastating for all of us, especially coming on the heels of my father's battle with cancer. It is going to be a tough battle.

As I lay in my four poster bed last night, I couldn't help but think of the all the good my uncle has brought into my life. He has no idea how much I admire him and love him, his wife and daughters. (Mental note to self: tell people how much you love them.)

I can't help but think that now, it is our turn to build for him. We will use our hands to pray and to minister to him. We will take something ugly and find in it a true intention and stronger character. We will apply patience and time as we wait on a loving God to work a miracle for my uncle. And I feel that when we are done building, we will have crafted, with the Master, something beautiful.

If you have a minute, please say a prayer for my Uncle Kirk.


Kasey said...

I will for sure pray for him. How is your Dad doing? Sending you hugs and loves your way. Kasey

Apis Melliflora said...

Sign me up. I'd like to be on the crew to help build this something beautiful. I have my prayer belt on, just keep pointing me in the right direction with your moving words.

This was a lovely, beautifully constructed blog post, Sam. Thank you.

Ruby Red Slippers said...

I will be praying for your Uncle-I am so sorry for you, and his family. The bed is beautiful-and looks like the cares of the world would melt away there...

The Queen Vee said...

Kirk is trained and ready for the fight. Light saber in hand he will now fight the EVIL Emperor for the next 9 months. He's Luke, so he'll be victorious!

The Force is strong in our family especially with my brother!

Samantha, thank you for you lovely, loving tribute.

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful tribute to your Uncle. Also, the bed is awesome. Know he and his family have been added to our thoughts and prayers. Jean and Joan

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

That just breaks my heart, but like your mom said - Kirk is a jedi. They are amazing people that Kirk and Julie, I haven't met them many times - but the times I have had made impressions.
Thanks for telling us so we can keep him in our prayers.

Emily said...

We'll pray for him! Your bed is absolutely gorgeous!

julie said...

It's a good thing you can type while you cry. Thanks so much for this and all of you out there praying. I know it really helps, because I have felt it.
Ant Julie

Hil said...

Done. Love you, Sam.