September 17, 2008

Is It Really You?

Favorite season, is it actually you? Or was I just imagining you last night as I actually pulled a QUILT up over my regular covering of cotton sheets? Was it you that left a CHILL in the air that I could feel on the CHEEKS and TOES of my little ones this morning as I awoke and then snuggled them? Please tell me it was you that caused us to want a warm and COMFORTING bowl of oatmeal for breakfast instead of the usual cold cereal!

Are you responsible for the SQUIRRELS who scutter to and fro in my yard, digging up mulch and plants to hide their stores of nuts? And for the beautiful hydrangeas who've pleased me with their colors all summer long but are now turning to paper bag BROWN? Is it you who's allowed me to throw open my windows for two full days to breathe fresh air into a house in need?

Oh I do hope you are finally coming to visit us again! It doesn't pain me to say goodbye to the beating sun and sticky, buggy weather of your lesser sibling Summer. Because I long for a light JACKET, a warm BATH, a cup of COCOA and the CHANGE of clothing worn by the trees - from emerald, to AUBURN, to fire. Please say you're coming soon . . . you know you're always welcome and I've completely FALLen for you!

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Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Ditto and Ditto.
It's been reaching 80+ during the day here (and really, it been gorgeous) but way to hot for almost-fall. Plus, I have no AC and you can imagine how happy I am by 5pm when I'm trying to cook dinner in an 80 degree house. I know, I'm a brat. Whateva.
But by the night time, it's 50ish and I'm in heaven. I wish it would just cool down to the 65 degree range and sit there for ever. That's my heaven.

Kernal Ken said...

Beautifully written, as usual.

Sad to hear that the little girl I raised and her friends are already suffering from hot flashes... ;)

We older guys actually like the summer when the arthritis doesn't flare up so much and the golf swing is smoother.

Different strokes for different folks...

The Queen Vee said...

I'm FALLING for it but hope it's a long one as I'm not looking forward to his cold dreary brother.

Apis Melliflora said...

Fall is one of the two "transition" seasons and I always feel most comfortable in them. Brisk is better than cold or hot any day of the week.

I like when fall visits and when visitors grace my door in the fall.

Tobi said...

I wish I was in your neck of the woods right now. Feel sorry for me. Fall is a long way off.

Shell in your Pocket said...

What a fun written post...I love it! So cute!
-Sandy Toes

Rachael said...

Just beautiful to read.

Joy said...

I love the crispness of fall mornings that warm up to perfect afternoons!
The leaves in the mountains near me are turning to shades of red and orange. They're so beautiful this time of year.

The Carlsons said...

Although I think we had the most pleasant summer in many many years I too love all that you poetically said so beautifully. Lest us not forget that last year it was still hot into the beginnings of October and this year we shant not complain because I can hardly recall a morning or evening in August that I could complain about humidity or heat.

I've already taken many baths this week, donned a jacket and indulged in fall decor. I love it.