September 19, 2008

Can I Buy A Vowel, Please?

I was all set today to show off a little crafty project I've been working on for an upcoming holiday which my clan and I find very enjoyable. After carefully selecting the appropriate colors and papers, I've been meticulously cutting, gluing and trimming all in hopes of revealing my wonderful creation on this little bloggy of mine.

Unfortunately, somewhere between all the to-ing and fro-ing (yep, I just made those words up)with crafty scissors, crafty glue, lots of crafty papers, and even tiny little crafty foam pads, I've misplaced a vowel. I cannot, for the bleep-bleepin' life of me find the letter O.

Oh, I know I had it! I specifically spelled out my special word beforehand to see how fabulous it was going to look. And it did look fabulous! And Oh how I've looked for it, turning the house upside down while muttering out loud, "C'mon O, I know you're here somewhere!" And this would happen to me on the day the Hubby works from home. He is laughing at me.

So now I have another word entirely - and sadly, the effect is not at all what I'd wished. What I've got is S-P-O-K-Y. Is that even a word? If so, it is meant to describe a bicycle, not Halloween. If you see my O lying around somewhere, could you send him my way so S-P-O-K-Y can become S-P-O-O-K-Y. Thanks, I'd really appreciate that.

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Tobi said...

HA HA HA!! I think I like Spoky. It reminds me of Spock. Could Spoky be his long lost nickname?

Thanks for the laugh Sam.

Anonymous said...

maybe it's how the pirates would say it. It looks super faulous anyway.audrey

Apis Melliflora said...

Well, if you don't find the "O," you could still spell "Soy"or "OK" or "So"...slim pickings. Better go buy yourself another "O."

Sign looks so stylish and so spoky!

The Queen Vee said...

It's kind of spooky but I've got an O that you can borrow.

So quit your spoky, or is that squawking, come get the O and then everyone will say "Oh, Samantha you are so clever"

Emily said...

So super cute, even with one O. How did you do the letters anyhow? You should give a tutorial.

Rachael said...

LOVE it!!!!

Dan and Bec said...

You are so creative...Don't you love it when mom saves the day! Make sure to display the end product! (instructions would be nice:)

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

That's awesome you are doing that. I'd seen something like those on some blog somewhere and thought it would be cool, but felt extremely intimidated. Of course you can pull it off. I really want to make one that says "Welcome Home" for the husband. So post instructions - complete with a shopping guide please.

Kasey said...

I think the finished letters look great. What a great idea!