September 8, 2008

A Good Hair Day!

No - the good hair doesn't refer to me here. In fact, I look down right weird in this picture! Can someone explain to me why my smile takes up half my face, makes my upper lip disappear and showcases every single tooth in my mouth? Get back to me on that.
The good hair described in my title actually belongs to my friend Linnea, with whom I had lunch on Friday. If you recall, Linnea had NO HAIR only four months ago. Now she's back, she's fierce and she's got eyelashes and eyebrows that make even me jealous! I swear, she's channeling a young Julie Andrews and it suits her to a tee.
Our lunch was such a fun one as we recapped our busy summers, shared fantastic news with one another and took this wonky self portrait out in the parking lot. I love you Linnea, and I am so very grateful that you are feeling better.
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Apis Melliflora said...

Dragonfly, your smile is perfect and impossible to duplicate.

Linnea, you look radiant: your
hair gorgeous and pixiesque.

Julie Andrews, you should know that this blog is one "of my favorite things!"

Jessie said...

Wow, Sam, your blog is wonderful! It is so representative of who you are. It will be fun to keep tabs on you guys out there in DC....

There is this amazing product your friend might be interested in for growing in fabulously thick and long eyelashes: My sister-in-law is an aesthetician and said it was developed by a doctor for his wife who was recovering from breast cancer, who'd undergone chemo and was growing her hair back. It's pricey, but worth it. I've been using it and have had amazing results (I've always had embarassing eyelashes).

LJB said...

I love your smile! It makes your whole countenance shine! I am so glad your friend is doing better.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

You both look lovely.

I miss your smile!! And I'm working diligently (sort of) on a fun package.

Why did your dad get 3 cakes? I must know.

The Queen Vee said...

Linnea and Samantha standing together strong and beautiful and examples of true friendship.

Live Strong!

Anonymous said...

Your dear friend looks so vibrant and happy. Loving support is such a gift for friends living with cancer. Your healing blog post is a good prescription for your friend's health. Thank you for sharing.