August 26, 2008

How Iritis (eye-rye-tus) Ruined The Last Week Of Summer . . .

This is the story of big dreams being dashed, the last week of summer going down the tubes and how our life became a race against the timer on our microwave. Curious? Read on!

My boy Big C is a brave, brave man. What we thought was a mere case of pink eye last Friday has turned into a full blown case of "Iritis" with headaches, sensitivity to light and severe redness. On Friday, our intuitive pediatrician Dr. G recognized the symptoms of iritis and immediately set up an appointment for us to visit a pediatric opthamologist. The opthamologist dilated Big C's pupils and then used all sorts of funky lights to look at the inside of his eyeball - I didn't even know that could be done! (I guess blessed with good vision = idiot at the eye doctor.)

The op doc's diagnosis confirmed the iritis, which is an inflammation of the iris that can be caused by many things, including Lymes Disease. Are you kidding me? We JUST finished the 28 day antibiotic for Lymes even though Big C's tests came back negative. He was retested yesterday with more blood drawn. ARGHHHH!!! Twenty-eight days of antibiotics was cake compared to the new treatment for the iritis - Big C is on steroid eye drops EVERY HALF HOUR FOR TEN DAYS! Yes, you read that correctly. And now we are sitting in our house, waiting for the microwave timer to let us know when to instill the one drop in one eye, five billion times a day until forever. No pool, no sunlight, no fun for us!

The eye drops will most likely go on for four to six weeks, although at more spread apart increments as time goes on. I can't wait to tell his brand new teacher that he will be disrupting her class every hour to visit the nurse. Curse word, curse word, dumb school rules about administering medicine!

Through it all though, I have learned a few things this week. First, I've learned that Big C is a trooper. He has not complained once about the eye drops or about being my constant buddy. Second, I've learned to really trust my pediatrician who's instinct was correct and who went to bat for my boy. And lastly I've learned that many of the words describing the anatomy of the human eye are icky sounding. Words like sclera, fovea centralis and superior rectus muscle leave just a little throw up in the back of my throat!

Wouldn't you please leave a little get well note for my boy who thought he was cooler than cool because he had to wear sunglasses to Church on Sunday? Thanks so much!


Julie said...

Oh man! The hits keep on coming! C- I know you can handle this!! Some day you will be able to wear these health-crisis stories as a badge of honor. Six weeks seems like a long time, (I know because I am giving up sweets for six weeks!) but I know you can do it! Good luck. I hope you get totally all well very soon so you can enjoy the rest of the school year.

Apis Melliflora said...

Big C, the good news is that some day you can brag about the trauma of this ailment to a girl you have your eye on. The bad news is that you will have to leave class every half an hour for a while. Wait, was that bad news or more good news?

Hang in there! You'll be the coolest kid in school with the shades!

The Queen Vee said...

Chris, hey you know you're cool and those new glasses, well they just make you even cooler dude. You've been a real trooper with all the exams, tests, and Doc visits. Keep it up buddy, we want you healthy again.

Emily said...

Hope your eye feels better soon and that you, Samantha can get some rest. Way to be troopers!

Tobi said...

Big C-

You have quite an adventurous summer. These crazy diseases just enhance your summer break. Just think how boring your story would sound if you were like, Yeah MAN..I played some ball and went to the beach. Now you can add that you had two diseases that made your parents sick with worry while you were Mr.Calm. Your one tough DUDE and I know you'll fly through this like a Champ!

squeezeme said...

Hey Chris! The great news is this is curable and before you know it you'll be back into action! Until then ask your mom for a lot of extra love and attention!

Pinspot said...

Big C- I bet my big W would just love to be you, wearing your too-cool-for-school sunglasses right into the classroom! AND getting out of class all the time? It's every 10 1/2 year old kid's dream come true!

You're a brave guy and we love and miss you tons!

Kernal Ken said...

Big C? I thought that was your uncle...

At any rate, you are a trooper and very brave to be going through all you have with a positive attitude. Keep it up!

Here's your thought for the week, from Emory Austin:

"Some days there won't be a song in your heart.
Sing anyway."

Rangers lead the way!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Howdy Chris!
You rock and you're tough and rad and awesome and all that stuff!
Keep up the greatness.

Anonymous said...

C- I am so so so sorry about your eye, Buddy!! What a bummer. I am so not surprised that you have been a trooper-- you are a tough dude. Hang in there, buddy!

LJB said...

Big C--
Wow, iritis--I don't think I even know how to say that right, and look at you being so brave! Just think, you can impress the girls at school with your charm, good looks, and cool shades! (wink, wink)! Hang in there and I hope you feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Good post! Thanks for sharing this information I appreciate it. God bless!
