August 27, 2008

Quidditch Anyone?

Well, it's here. My new broom. And just like my favorite wizard's swift ride, it's a Nimbus. Stop laughing - I'm serious. I'll post pictures tomorrow. Until then, start guessing.


Kernal Ken said...

Let's see...

Can it make you fly?

Does it have magical powers?

And, oh --I guess I'll stop guessing until I get further clues...

Kim Breinholt said...

Hi Sam!
Dan & Becky have you listed as "world's best blogger" on their page so I had to pop over for a peek, hoping for an update on your dad and some fabulous shots of your kids. I got all that and more (yes I have been on the computer way too long!) You really are an amazing writer. You put all the tiny but fantastic parts of being a mom into words.

Thanks for making me appreciate my life just a little bit more. We really do have the best job on the planet.

I hope the eye drops are going well and that you squeeze in some fun before school starts. We went back on the 11th so summer is already a distant memory! Give our best to your parents. Kim

Tobi said...

I cheated. I read your facebook page first. I know you are "Expecting" a brand new car! What kind did you get? Is it shiny?