August 22, 2008

My Force. My Power. My Chi.

When you live in Virginia and you have frizzy, wavy hair that comes in direct contact with humidity on an almost daily basis, you feel like you look something like the girl in this picture. Minus the gigantic rose, of course. And when I say you, I actually mean me. Yeah - I'm the girl in the picture. No, I'm not REALLY her - look at that flawless airbrushed skin - I'm speaking figuratively.

I was genetically blessed with "full" hair that has "natural wave". That is a just nice way of saying I have crazy out-of-control hair that cannot be contained or tamed without serious intervention. Don't believe me? Just ask my mom - she's the one who gave it to me and she has it too. Or you can ask my dad - the guy who always says to me, "What did you do to your hair?"(Yes, in THAT tone of voice.)

Still don't believe me? I thought you might say that - especially if you're a regular reader of this blog - so I thought I'd give you a "little" demonstration. This is me putting it out there for you to see. And maybe tomorrow I'll delete this post altogether. Here is a shot of me and my crazy hair - no blow drying, no product whatsoever, no combing, and no eyes open because I really couldn't bear to look. I'm calling this a "little" demonstration because this picture was taken first thing after my hair dried when it was still little. As the day goes on it just gets bigger, frizzier and more triangular. It truly takes on a life of its own.

A wise man who speaks Chinese (okay, it's The Hubby) once told me that the word Chi translates to mean force or power. Sweet readers of my silly-little-blog-about-nothing, I'd like to introduce you to the force and power behind my silky smooth Virginia hair: please welcome my hair hero - THE CHI FLAT IRON! (insert clapping here)

After I'd lived with my sad Virginia hair for a year and a half, a very wise red headed sister-in-law, who shall remain anonymous but has a name that rhymes with Bindy Farlson, introduced me to this very handy professional level tool. I only had to take one look at her now shiny straight mane (aka Crowning Glory)to know that this flat iron business was meant to change the lives of crazy haired women everywhere. It was just the intervention my pouffant needed. Not all flat irons are created equal, but this one has tamed even the thickest heads of hair in my family. We've all tried it, we all love it. If you're going to invest in a flat iron, get one that costs at least $80 or more and is professional level. Trust me, your Conair flat iron from Target won't yield the needed results. (Target also carries the Chi, but you can find it cheaper online.)

I took this picture of my chi-riffic hair (well I think so) the day after I'd slept on the crazy hair I showed you above. I did not wash my hair, I did not put any product in my hair. I got right out of bed, used my chi and ended up with this hair. So it may be weird to love an inanimate object like say, a flat iron, but clearly it is warranted in this case. Now you've been armed with the knowledge of my favorite beauty weapon. If you didn't already know about this, then I feel like I've given you a little gift. Go spread the news to a frizzy haired friend!

PS. There actually are women out there who have "full, naturally wavy" hair that looks fantastic! I am not one of them.

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Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Did you paint your walls in there (again)? It looks good, it just looks different.
And I'm so buying that flat iron. My hair isn't wavy, but it's still freaky.

Sue said...

What is it with you naturally curly people? Always ironing away those beautiful curls. All the while, us boring, stick to your head, no body whatsoever, straight haired people spend a fortune on product and precious sleeping time on making the "do" look a little less like we just woke up from a coma. And going a day without washing? A true luxury us straight heads cannot enjoy lest we be taunted with strains of "Go Grease Lightenin'." Oh, the injustice of it all!

Personally, I think the curls are cute, so go au natural every once in awhile!

Apis Melliflora said...

The miracle of the Chi Flat Iron is truly amazing. But, for some of us, even miracles take time, sweat and two sets of hands. I'm hoping Sue is right: wavy is beautiful too.

Still, think I know what my Santa letter will include.

The Dragonfly said...

Ahh, Sue, sweet Sue! It was actually YOU I though of when I imagined my sleekest haired friend. Your pictures on your blog always look so lovely, so tres chic, so flyaway free! Isn't the grass always greener on the other side? I did want to calm your mind and let you know that per The Hubby's request, I do wear my hair curly on occasion - it gives the Chi a chance to rest. Love you girl!

Julie said...

Oh girl, I feel your frizzy haired pain. But I must say if the "before" picture is what your hair looks like with no product and no fixing at all then you should count your blessings. I thought your hair looked cute curly. I would never, ever let myself even be seen with my hair just air-dried-without-product MUCH less post a picture on the Internet. It is truly the scariest sight EVER. I love my Chi but it was so much work when I had longer hair so I wore it curly a lot (ALWAYS straightened the bangs though). Now that it's short I'm a slave to the Chi. I tried to wear it curly one day and it was frightening. So until it grows a little longer, it's the Chi and me every morning!

Tobi said...

I love this post. I have the same problem with curly hair. Texas being a very humid state is no friend to my hair. The whole reason I cut my hair short is to make it easier and less time consuming to straighten my hair everyday. I'll have to add a Chi to my Christmas wish list as well.

Hil said...

You and I are SO on the same wavelength it's frightening! I just got a Chi last week and l-o-v-e it so much I told Bryan I was going to blog about it. He laughed. I ran out of time. You spoke my heart.

The Queen Vee said...

I can testify to the power of the CHI it has saved my life and image in hair raising combat.

The CHI rules!

Dan and Bec said...

Hi Samantha--
I discovered the flat iron in the horrible humidity that is South Carolina! I love it...although my hair still finds a way to FRIZ! What kind of goo do yo put in your hair?

The Carlsons said...

I think my favorite is when you actually wear your hair curly. I isn't as bad as you think and it actually makes you human. You shouldn't look perfect have to have some fault. Open your eyes and look, see curly works for you. Put a little extra curling product in and go. A

Rachael said...

You look stunning. As a big-haired girl myself, I feel ya. I went so far as to get mine professionally straightened (Chi system). Haven't looked back once. I touch up with a flat iron on occassion, but my hair is STRAIGHT. And if my skin wasn't covered in anti-whatever my ailment is cream, I'd snap a pic for ya...

Anonymous said...

Oh girl, you know I CAN'T LIVE without my chi. I feel like the Chi was invented by God just for me, as a little reward for good natured-ly putting up with stupid red-head jokes for the last 30 years.

Screaming Meme said...

Your adorable! :)