June 1, 2008

To Malibu Chicken . . .

Some times you make me feel like this.
And there have been times when I've wanted to do this to you.
But most of the time I just love and adore you completely. (But not in a weird or inappropriate way, like this picutre of us at the Leaning Tower of Pisa suggests.)
You've been a part of my life for thirty years and have put up with a lot of crud from me as your big sister. So today, you get no crud, just a sincere wish for the happiest of birthdays, your best round of golf ever tomorrow, and my deepest heartfelt emotions. I love you baby brother. I'm in awe of the husband, father and man you've become. No matter what happens, you'll always be the Malibu in my Chicken and the Baldo in my Waldo. (sorry all - can't even touch that one.)
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Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Two of my favorite people have the same birthday! Awesome!

Happy Birthday Matt!!! I'm leaving the Pisa thing alone. ☺

The Queen Vee said...

Matta Boo Chick, Happy Birthday to your baby bro, now along with you and Chris he is now starting his 4th decade here on planet Earth. WOW, I must be getting old.

As usual Sambo, clever blog.... I know Matt was tickled.

Kernal Ken said...

I think it's pretty amazing that a guy who has spent much of his life referred to as Mattaboo Chicken and BooChick actually made it to age 30 without completely cracking up...

Not only that, he has an awesome skill set in both his job and in his own productions as well as a wife who spins heads as she walks down the street.

To top it all off, he's got three of the cutest and smartest girls on the planet.

BooChick, indeed. Happy birthday, Matt. I'm really proud of all you have accomplished in 30 years!

Tobi said...

Queen Vee,

Am I mistaken or did you just age Matt ten years. I thought he was turning 30. Not 40. I am math deficient so please tell me if I'm wrong.

Good work as always Sam. You are so very clever..

The Queen Vee said...

Tobi,I'll attempt to explain......
Matt has now lived 3 decades( 30 years) and as of June 2nd, today, is at the start of his fourth decade, not at the finish line of it. The end of his fourth decade will occur in 3648 days when he will turn 40 and also then start his fifth decade. I know a bit confusing. Another example of number/year confusion, we are in the year 2008 but also the 21st century.

Julie said...

Happy Birthday, Birthday twin! I wish I understood all of your nicknames. VERY unique!!

Matt said...

I can't believe I made it to 30, especially with those crazy nicknames.