June 12, 2008

A Birthday Wish For RedDog . . .

Here's to you little guy, for changing our lives five years ago today. For still snuggling your momma every single morning. For loving your blankie for five whole years and giving it a squeeze and a kiss before you put it away for the day. For being afraid of the dark. For asking me if I'm going to come pick you up again whenever we are separated. For scooching closer to me when you meet someone new and acting like you're a shy boy. For running into my arms if you get hurt. For wanting to sit by me every evening at dinner and kneel by me every night at family prayer. Thank you for all these little signs that tell me it's okay that you turned five today, because you are still my baby and my buddy. I love you RedDog!
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Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Cute little man. Happy Birthday!! I'll see you soon. (Somehow I'd forgotten how close in age he and Squirrel are - just 11 days? Wowza).

The Queen Vee said...

Our little "RedDog" isn't so little anymore. He's a special little guy and now FIVE. Where does the time go?

Tobi said...

He is the most adorable RedDog ever! Happy fifth birthday little man.

Anonymous said...

Very nicely said Sam. Makes me feel happy to be a dad and appreciate our little ones. BTW your entry reminded me of a GREAT book you must buy or check out, its called "Let Me Hold You Longer"


Matt said...

Happy Birthday Dogger!