June 13, 2008

LYLAS! (Love Ya Like A Sis)

It's late. I'm tired. But before I go to bed, I have to say something about the girl in this picture with me (circa 1993). She is the head zoo keeper over at the Anderson Zoo. She is genius level smart and my go to girl for all things politics. She is a real live (not scumbag at all) lawyer who drafted up wills for the Hubby and I. She is an honest to goodness gourmet cook. She's been known to crank out a tune on the violin. She was a competive fencer, cool mask, weird uniform and "it's not a sword, it's a foil" and all. She introduced me to country music. She picks up hobbies that everyone has (stamping, card making, sewing), but the difference is she is actually really, really good at them. She is the mother to three charming little kids, all very close in age and she's really good at that too. She is the devoted wife to one very hard working Army husband, currently stationed in Iraq. She is funny bone tickling, side splitting funny and I could talk to her for hours. She is one of my oldest friends - we go back a whole 21 years now. She was my college roommate, a bridesmaid at my wedding, there to hold my newborn children, and hasn't stopped coming to see me yet. She is the sister I had until my brothers got married. She is the friend I can always count on. And today she is 34 years old. Happy Birthday Sharbe . . . You Never Cease To AMAZE Me.

ps. I do feel really happy around you, as the picture proves. Ouch, that smile is so big it hurts.
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Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Wow, while that is one of the nicest tributes I've ever read...

Good heavens woman.

I'm not sure it's possible for me to have a worse hair day and what on earth was I wearing? It looks like I was trying out for Raggedy Ann!

It's now official. You are NOT in charge of picking out the photo for my obituary, but you can write it. ☺♥

Matt said...

Considering your fencing skills I don't think anyone is going to say anything about the picture Mrs. Zoo Keeper.

Now your age on the other hand is free game. 34! Yikes. (-;

Happy Birthday my old and wise friend. (-;

The Queen Vee said...

I like this picture, you both have such great smiles and Samantha, your tribute was spot on.

Happy Birthday wishes for the Zoo Keeper, and may she have many, many more!

Tobi said...

I love long friendships! I can't wait to finally meet the amazing Shar in real life on Saturday.

Julie said...

Sam - I read your tribute after I did mine and it's amazing that they are very similar. It means that Shar cannot dispute any of the nice things we've said about her because we agree on her great qualities!