May 16, 2008

It's Time To Stand For . . .

Well, I've waited over a month to write this particular post - mostly out of dread and not wanting to come off as "announcing" this change and proclaiming it as something big in my life, but there's no getting around the fact that it is something big in my life so what's the point?

I was called to be the Young Women's President in our ward the first week in April. Does anyone remember this post? Well, that was me in major overwhelmed/trying to process/ panic mode. My LDS readers are shaking their heads right now and thinking things like, "Good Luck!" or "Glad it's you and not me." This particular calling is what I like to refer to as a HUMDINGER.

If you're not LDS (Mormon) and you're reading this you may be thinking, "Huh?" So let me explain. In my church congregation there are 27 teenager girls between the ages of 12 -18. I am now the leader of their organization which is called Young Womens. I am a steward over them and for the next few years, will be responsible, with a fabulous group of 7 other adult women, for bringing them closer to the Savior through various weekly activities, Sunday lessons and other faith promoting situations. We work in cooperation with the Young Mens organization, which has about 30 teenage boys in our congregation. This particular calling is very time, labor and love intensive, and yes, we do it without getting paid.

So, what does this mean for me? Well, probably a lot less time blogging - though my goal is to still blog once or twice a week. It also means getting in touch with my young side again and remembering all those things I learned as a teacher and an EFY counselor that I know will help me to touch the lives of these girls. It means dedicating more time to things that the Lord needs me to do and less time to the things I want to do. And I'm okay with that.

The motto for this organization is "Stand For Truth And Righteousness". I'm encouraged by those words especially in a world today where many teenagers don't even know what it means to be true and righteous. I feel hope knowing there are kids out there still trying to do what is right according to God, and not what is right according to society. These girls I am working with are trying to do just that, and they are succeeding.

I guess the point of this post is that now that the cat's out of the bag, and despite feeling overwhelmed and completely inadequate, it's time for me to stand.

You can always visit for more info on my church or my new calling.


Tobi said...

I always laugh when someone I think it totally amazing and awesome (that would be you Sam) thinks that they are "not prepared or not good enough" for a big calling like this. Of course you can do it. They would be crazy if they didn't call you because you've got all the necessary skills girlfriend.

Besides you've read the Twilight series and you loved it. Your totally prepared to relate to 27 teenage girls!!

The Dragonfly said...

Funny that you'd pay homage to Twilight - I've actually been asked by four of the YW if I'm an Edward or Jacob fan . . . see, relating already. :)

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I was wondering when you'd come clean on this news. I think you'll be great. You always put an awesome amount of yourself into everything you do - and yourself is a great thing to behold.

Hil said...

Being in the YW Presidency was, by far, the most challenging, time consuming, and toughest calling I've ever had. BUT, it was also the most rewarding, fun and uplifting calling I've ever had as well!

I know you will be fabulous and just think of all the babysitters you'll have begging to watch the kids. :)

I love you and you'll be in my prayers.

Susan said...

You are going to be an awesome Young Women's President. As your friend I know you are not only good enough but that you will be amazing in this calling! As a mother who's daughter you will be helping to guide and influencing the next couple of years I am positive your life experience and knowledge of the gospel will be a tremendous positive influence on Christina and all the other girls!

queenie said...

the post below shows why it was not primary you got called to. Tee Hee.

The Carlsons said...

Having talked with your extensively about this new calling I'm just thrilled that I will have you at girls camp for a few days....

But, I just can't stop laughing about Katrina's comment. Seriously, my side hurts.


Jodie said...

Hold on tight, you're in for a ride with lots of detours! YW has always been my favorite. You are going to be great for those girls!! You are cool and hip, so you already have a "good in" to start with! Don't leave us avid readers hangin' for too long in between posts.

Julie said...

Congrats! (or condolences depending on how you are feeling right now). I love Young Women. Especially in hindsight. :) Just when I felt I was getting burned out after being first counselor for more than 3 years - I got called to teach Seminary and then realized that in comparison YW took up a LOT less time!! (Even if I did have to use my vacation days to go to girls camp and youth conference). And now that I'm in RS Presidency -- I really miss YW. hee hee! Have fun! You will be great I am SURE!

Lori Gerten said...

During all the activities I went to with Sue for Young WOmen's I remember how cool the leaders and all the women who coordinated it were. You will be the coolest!@!!!!!!!

Rachael said...

Samantha, you'll totally rock the YW. So much fun! Not to underestimate the effort. You'll be FANTASTIC!