March 24, 2008

Who's Ya Daddy?

This is my dad just minutes after finishing his LAST cancer treatment THIS MORNING! My mom, my awesome sis-in-law Audrey and I were all able to be there as he came out wearing his LiveStrong shirt like a gold medal and rang the bell three times to signify that he is done with treatment and moving on with his life. This picture captures a moment I will never forget - that smile is completely genuine and true - and my dad was very, very happy to be walking out of the "Radiation Station" at NNMCB!

Way to go dad! I'm so proud of you. This has been a long seven weeks and you've kept your chin up and braved it like the soldier that I know you are! Thanks for keeping a brave face, especially in front of my kiddoes. They think you are quite the hero . . . because they know this has been so painful for you, but you've stood your ground and taken it. We are all anxious and excited to get our Papa and Dad back!

To higher ground you go, and we'll be following along right behind you all the way. Love you Big Guy.

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Boan said...

Way to go KEN!

We are all cheering for you!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

What a way to start spring! He looks fantastic.

Hil said...

Awesome!! Your dad looks great! I'll continue to keep your fam in my prayers. :)

Tobi said...

I just love good news. I salute you Uncle Ken! Thank you so much for posting pictures Sam.

chelsea said...

wo0ho000!!! Awesome job!! The banner is very cute :)

The Queen Vee said...

Ken and I have received so much love, help and support as we've traversed this Cancer fight especially from our children. What a surprise to arrive home from Ken's last radiation treatment to see 35 black and gold balloons strung on our porch with a huge banner proclaiming his success. We share it with all of you. Thank you dear, dear ones for your loving thoughtfulness and clever, happy, delightful, fun heartwarming surprise.

The Carlsons said...

Hooah! Rangers lead the way!

Sue said...

Amelia is poking the screen saying, "Dada, Dada, Dada" over and over again. She knows a good daddy when she sees one!

That smile is priceless and I love the banner and balloons.

Sue said...

A yellow jersey.

How appropriate!