March 28, 2008

Bird Nursery

For the second year in a row, a pair of birdies has chosen a spot on our front porch as Home Sweet Home. Last year we thwarted the efforts at nest building by removing all the string, twigs and mud as they built on our porch light, eventually frustating the sweet couple.

This year, however, the birds got smarter and picked a spot that was just a bit more inconspicuous - so much so that I didn't even notice it until a bird flew off our front door for the fifth time in one day! I searched inside the wreath, but then realized the nest was ON TOP of the wreath, totally hidden from an average height person's view! Sneaky, sneaky birds!

My view from atop a chair moments later revealed this . . .

Please, anyone with advice - I need it badly! I cannot repeat last year's baby birdie massacre. Read all about that here. Then tell me quickly what I should do with my little problem.
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The Feathered Nest said...

OMGoodness!!! It looks like the exact same kind of bird that has build a nest on my son's back porch!!! I don't know what to tell you except to use the back door, too! Unless there is a nail or hook very near next to the door that you could very carefully move it to...scary! xxoo, Dawn

The Queen Vee said...

Chris, Hannah and Soren can become a part of the BABY BIRD protection Service (BBPS).

They can save the baby birds and keep everyone from using the front door. Post signs for the neighbors and visitors and alert their friends.

In the end it will be a very TWEET outcome.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Well, you did leave them a "model home" in the wreath. I'm just sayin'.
Maybe you could ask Travis to move the wreath to the other end of the porch very carefully? Clearly you are not to be trusted and he owes you for the funnel cakes.

Boan said...

Don't touch anything! Use the garage door and nail your front door shut.

Ok at least be very careful opening it. No more baby bird massacres please.

Look at the bright side, you can see their progress and the little babies be born.

Just make sure no one touches it

The Carlsons said...

May I suggest either not using a wreath next year or finding a different one less appealing to birds to build a home for their budding family. HeeHee Love, A

Sue said...

I enlarged the first picture to show Lily the bird's nest. "Wow, it's so pretty and look at those eggs. Wait... how are the eggs staying in there with the nest all sideways like that?"

Scroll down to the REAL nest. Don't I feel silly!

Lily is SO jealous that you have a bird's nest right on your front porch. How sturdy is it? Could you just let it be and threaten to add anyone who slams the door to the BBK (Baby Bird Killer) list? Perhaps the shame of that will keep them walking on eggshells (pun intended).

Tobi said...

I think your wreath is just too tempting and inviting for the little love birds. I think your wreath must never darken your front door again. Keep us posted on what happens with your little bundles of joy.