March 31, 2008

The Sisterhood of the Travelin' Shoes . . .

I spent four hours on Saturday walking 15.1 miles with my sister-in-law Audrey as part of our training for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Four hours is a long time to walk - the coolest thing about Saturday was that we talked the ENTIRE time - despite Audrey's hoarse voice - and consequently, the time really flew by. (my legs recovered today)

Growing up as the only girl in my family, I really didn't know what I was missing - but now I am so grateful for all the sisters I have in my family(eight total) who I feel a kindred bond with and enjoy immensely. Then there are the girls who aren't related to me, but are just like my sisters, women I share everything with and would do anything for. This list is small, but has been developed over years - you know who you are.

I had a little sisterhood feeling going on as I was watching Sense & Sensibility last night on PBS. Just love when those sisters snuggle up in bed together because they're afraid or it's freezing cold. Sisters rock! I may never have had that experience, but I know my sisters are there for me no matter what and only a phone call, plane ride, or car drive away. So, this quick post is a shout out to my all my sistas - I love you girlies!


Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

I understand completely being as we're kindred on this one for many reasons. Not having any sisters and now having a'plenty being one of them - and sometimes the sisters of choice are the best. I loved the show last night and the last 15 minutes or so kept thinking "I hope it's not almost over!!" I was also wishing that we were all together drinking hot cocoa all snuggled up watching it. I was feeling the vibes from across the country though.

Tobi said...

CONGRATS on doing your walk. I'm so glad you could do that with Audrey. Sounds like great fun.

I grew up with four sisters. We out numbered the boys and we ruled the house! Your totally right Sam. Sisters do rock!

The Queen Vee said...

Yes there are many woman who are our sisters but not by birth, I'm blessed to have both!

You're right Shar, it would have been fun to have watched S & S together. Ahh, something for when we are all together. We can have an Austen marathon, stay up all night and let the guys watch the kids while we wallow in Janeness. I'm thinking cucumber sandwiches and scones with clotted cream....YUM!

Speaking of S & S, they should have let the same team that made S & S and P & P do all the others (Mansfield P, Persuasion, NorthH Abby). Jane A. is so good when it's done right, you know that the above were not up to snuff!

So to all you fabulous women out there who are our sisters I say " You go sistas"!
“My sister wanted to be an actress. She never made it, but she does live in a trailer... so she got halfway. She's an actress, she's just never called to the set.”

So to all you fabulous women out there who are our sisters I say " You go sistas"!

The Queen Vee said...

Alas my dear I can never get it quite right.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I wasn't sister enough for you. I thought that shaving my legs would help.

Susan said...

I am thinking of Anne of Green Gables when Anne talks about being kindred spirits with her friends. I did not have a sister growing up and am so grateful that I have been able to chose my "sisters". I am looking forward to our long walk in May and all the training walks beforehand. Sisterhood totally rocks!!!!!