February 19, 2008

That's Just Whack . . .

Last night I had a dream that a man and a woman were having a very repetitive conversation that went something like this: The man would say, "The moving sidewalk is about to end. Please watch your step." and then the woman would reply with, "Homeland Security has changed the current threat level to orange. Please keep your bags with you at all times and report any suspicious behavior to authorities."

Then I woke up and realized it was because I was asleep on the floor of the Denver Airport. At 2:30 in the morning. With another flight delayed on United (bleepity bleep) Airlines.

So,now I can sum up my trip to Denver in three words: Delightful. Delicious. And DELAYED.

Will post pictures with comments when I've had more than 2 1/2 hours of sleep. I am too wiggedy whacked out to make sense of it all.


Matt said...

Ah yes, I have unfortunately spent many a moment asleep on the airport floor. Thankfully, I carry earplugs in my bag so the announcements have never been an issue.

Thanks for coming to visit! Next time (if there ever is one) remember these 2 keys rules to airline travel:

1) Book an early morning flight

2) Always fly non-stop

You'd be surprised as abiding by these rules can significantly decrease airline/airport frustration.

Rachael said...

Just catching up on your posts. Your minty sil should blog with great titles like that.

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

With sage wisdom like that Matt, you might be #2.

Sorry about your flight Sam. That'll totally kill your vacation buzz. Apparently travel issues has been a theme this week!

Tobi said...

I'm sorry about your flight. I've been very lucky with flying. I've only been delayed once. I can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!