S: Did you know you were going to marry my brother when you first met him? (I knew the first time Matt introduced me to you)
M: You have far more intuition than me. When Matt and I decided to start dating I honestly thought to myself, "I am going to break this boy's heart." That may sound conceited, but it was because Matt was so confident that it would work out.
S: Wait a minute, you and Matt "decided to start dating"? That is awesome. So, that belch you just let out leads me to my next question . . . How's the pregnancy going and what do you think this baby is going to be like?
M: Pardon Me! The pregnancy...... Well, I've had better. I think this baby will look like Whitney. Remember, I'm a woman of little intuition.
S: Yesterday you pretty much proved to me that you are a seriously killer "Thrifter". Do you have any advice for other thrifters out there? (Thrifter=someone who scours thrift stores for really great junk . . . and I 'm not talking about used bras.)
M: I learned from the best. What I learned from those Nelson women is that you have to go ALL THE TIME. Buy what you love. If you end up not loving something you bought, don't feel bad about it. No regrets. Also, try to go without kids.
S: Great advice! If you were a superhero, who would you be, and why? Also, if you were a Girl Scout Cookie, what would you be? (This is a really important question.)
M: Since I'm not that into sci-fi I'm not really familiar with anyone other than Wonder Woman. But I'll take it. I wanna be Wonder Woman just for the star granny panties. Cookies I'm familiar with, which makes this question very tough. I'll say Lemon Creme Chalet's because they're sweet in the middle, but you have to eat the mediocre cookie part to get to the good stuff.
S: I'm just going to pretend you didn't even mention that completely unknown Girl Scout Cookie. In my mind, you will always be a Thin Mint. In fact, I'm going to start calling you Minty instead of Mindy. Anyway, what's on your Ipod right now that you can't get enough of? (One artist or one song.)
M: Alicia Keys, "No One."
S: Okay, this is the question EVERYONE has been waiting for . . . When are you going to start your own blog, and when you do, what are three possible names for it?
M: How about Never. But if I did here are three possibilities.
1. The Accidental Craftster- I would discuss my forays and missteps as a total faker in the crafting world. I'd post pictures of the especially bad and tragic craft carnage.
2. Delicious Diss- I'd discuss all the reasons I dislike blogging. I'd post links to bad blog examples. (None of you, of course.)
3. The Needy Nympho- Matt suggested this, just to get people to come visit my blog.
S: You've already done half the work. Now my readers are going to let you know which blog they think you should ACTUALLY start by leaving a comment here on Compound Eye. Before we finish, is there anything you wanted to ask me?
M: Thanks, I'll take that information and do absolutely nothing with it. Now to the final question. What is your longest kept secret?
S: My junior year in high school I took two of my friends up to Chris' room to show them his stereo. When I turned it on, something happened and the speakers shorted out. It never worked again. I played dumb when Chris came home and found his stereo broken. I never told him about it until two years ago when we were sitting in Stake Conference together and a man gave a talk on forgiveness. I started crying a confessed everything to Chris. Let's see, I kept that secret for fifteen whole years . . . and it was totally stupid to keep it. I felt so much better once I told him. He laughed and said it was okay, he forgave me.
I am sitting here at SIL's house watching 10 children for three days and I've been ANXIOUSLY waiting for this blog. (Ways to keep ones self occupied.)
Mindy... you must have a blog and it must have at least two of the three elements to it but it has to be titled the Needy Nympho. (Because Matt is 10 and all.)
Anyway, I digress.
I'm encouraged to hear you like the lemon cookies. I've ordered some and I'm excited to try them. Sam really needs to branch out.
On the thrifting... I got REALLY good at the estate sales in Northern NY and agree that you have to not have kids around. In NY I actually resold a lot of my junk that I didn't need at exorbitant mark-ups and if I ever moved back I'd fully make a business out of it but that's so time intensive. So, what do you do if you find you aren't in love with something you've purchased? I'm curious about your methods of disposal? I cannot collect clutter but I really want to get back into the sales/auctions/whatever so I'm looking for some good ways to not have junk around me when I don't want it anymore. Ideas?? BLOG MINDY BLOG. The world needs to know.
Thanks. I needed a good laugh! Seriously, you two are hilarious. :) Mindy, never got to meet you but I don't have to tell you what a wonderful family you've married into, do I? I vote for your own blog, as well, but like the Accidental Crafter for the title... sounds like many of my friends!
P.S. Sam... was I there for the stereo incident? I don't remember it, so it's not likely but it has been 18 years... If I was there, would you tell Chris I'm sorry too?
Hilary - you are so sweet - but no - you weren't there. It was Brian Kirsch and Matt Wilks. (not bad company, right?)
Yay for Mindy! I vote for you to have a blog pronto!! Like you really care what I say....you don't even know me!! I would be the sibling most like Audrey though so you do know a little about me! I have seen a couple blogs surrounded completely around their children, some even written like they were the child. With you expecting #3 I think that is a good idea, not to mention the family who doesn't live near you would absolutely melt to know so much about their grandkids they don't get to see on a regular basis!
Mindy you must blog. You could be the Wonder Woman of blogging. You could bring good blogging to the world!!
I think it's somewhat of a contradiction that you dislike blogs but you read your family and friends blogs. Sometimes you even condescend to leave comments on them. Mindy you are a complex woman! Please Blog!
Well that settles it. I'm buying Mindy the costume and she's going as Wonder Woman next year. Sweet!
This might be the funniest post I've ever read. And Sam, like Andy Pettite, you "mis-remembered" our converstation. I told you I would forgive you provided you pay me a small cash settlement ($250.49). I vote for the needy nympho. (with a sub-title of "The curtains match the carpet" to make it even more inappropriate)
Hi, you don't know me, but I found your blog through Boan. Anyway, I saw this picture of Mindy and thought, "I know her!" But I can't for the life of me figure out how! Did she ever live in So Cal? Anyway, have her email me if she can figure it out. hpyjacks@comcast.net. Thanks! And I enjoyed the blog!
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