February 15, 2008

Mission Impossible?

Enjoy just a few more Valentines pictures from our fun day yesterday! Hannah and I made Valentine flowers (pencils) for her class party. Chris wanted something with an ALIEN on it, so we tried our best (humor me and tell me it's funny . . . working with a 10 year-old who wants "cool Valentines" is hard!) And just a few more shots from our "Red Heart" dinner. It was yummy and now there are lots of leftovers to feed my family . . .

WHILE I'M AWAY FOR FOUR WHOLE DAYS!!!!! Travis gave me a trip to Denver for my birthday. I will be playing hard with Matt and Mindy - my most awesome out of state Carlson Family members. (How's that for politically correct?)

Now I need a favor from all my loyal readers . . . I'm hoping to get HUGE comments from all of you because it will be totally worth it! I think if I can get more than 15 comments - which would be an all time record - I could actually get my very witty and totally lit savvy sis-in-law Mindy to be my first ever guest blogger on Compound Eye. So, in order to accomplish this mission impossible, I need you all to let Mindy know how much you want to hear from her. Start commenting today . . . I hope by the time I get to Denver in 6 hours you will have all spoken and Mindy will take her turn at blogging. (This is all part of an evil plot to get her to start her own blog which would be a snapshot of a hilarious life captured by a very talented writer!)

I'll send pictures and love from Denver! Adios!

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Matt said...

Sweet, I get to be the first comment! Yes, Mindy should have a blog and it will take some serious convincing to get her to start one. If we bond together maybe, just maybe we can convince her. Come on people!

Matt said...

I couldn't resist and wanted to be the second too. (;

Sue said...

Oh Mindy, you have no idea the fun you are missing! When I first started blogging I was an addict, checking everyone's blogs 5 times a day, looking for new posts and reading all the comments. I have since tried to limit myself to a couple times a day. :)

Since I found out there is a great site, blurb.com, that will publish your blog in a book (the software is all coordinated with blogger) I have started to look at my blog as a way to record my family history without having to keep a daily journal or find the time to scrapbook.

My sister's blog has the following subtitle: "More satisfying than journaling, easier than scrapbooking, and WAY cheaper than therapy!"

You will be assimilated. Resistence is futile!

Kernal Ken said...

I agree that Mindy is a very talented writer, with a sense of humor not unlike my own.
Soon, I am going to have to ration the number of blogs I look at in one day.
Someone has named their blog "Another Way to Waste Time."
If on every blog there was one good piece of new information, new technique, how to help your spouse do better at __________, or other useful tidbits, then I will read blogs all day long.
Until then, I eagerly await Midilicious!

Tobi said...


I always look for your comments on anyone's blog. I know that whatever you say is totally going to crack me up. Personally I think the best part about blogging is the comments people leave. It's nice to look forward to a little compliment or someone commiserating with you about such and such problem. It's great you'll like it! Just try it once!

Tobi said...


By the way, I'm going to Portland this weekend to see my sister. I just think it's funny that we are both going out of town without kids! Yippee!!!

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Ok Mindy, You definitely need a blog. I need one more thing to read in the morning. No really - I do. :-) Plus if you had a blog you could have cussed me out for waking you up and then not visiting you the other day. Which, by the way, lead to VERY bad karma for the rest of the trip. I hope you guys are having a fantastic visit.

The Queen Vee said...

Mindy you need you use your God given talent,you are such a great writer.

I would love to see great pictures of my girlies and read about your fabulous fun life via your perspective.

It's kind of like not liking floral fabric, try it you might like it. I know your loyal fans will.

Jodie said...

Hope I'm not too late for Samantha's
"have 6 hours to reply request" Once you start blogging and you see how easy and fun it is, you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner! P.S. Will you please ask Mindy how here cousin Kerry Webster is? And if they are still here in the Springs?

chelsea said...

i agree!! if your posts are anything like your vagina comment i will have to admit to "blogger stalking" you! plus your last name is carlson, whats not to love about posting about that?

squeezeme said...

Sam, no wonder I haven't been able to get a hold of you!!! I forgot you were heading out to CO! Mindy, I am not in the blogging world but so enjoy reading Sam's! So, I look forward to your guest spot soon!

Kernal Ken said...

Okay, Mindy, I know that you are just about to pop, have one million things to do before the new young lady arrives, have a Compound Eye watching everything you do, and those two princesses who demand continuous attention.

But you're going to Helga's on Monday... What's not to like?

I would like a first ever, Mindilicious post on your critique of the Helga cuisine compared to your vast culinary experience of traveling in Europe with Tin Man, Compound Eye and Opie.

You go, girl!