September 6, 2007

To Two Of My Favorite People . . .

It just so happens that today is a celebration of two of my most favorite people of all time -- my dad (aka This Country's Biggest Patriot) and my sister-in-law Mindy (aka The Redheaded Godess).

My dad is awesome! He is a virtual well spring of knowledge. I don't usually worry about not knowing or understanding current events, because I know I can consult my dad and he will have: a) all the details and b) a strong opinion about the topic! He is an amazing story teller. When my dad recounts a story, all ears are listening and all eyes are on him. He can command the attention of old and young alike. My Christopher loves to hear "papa's stories", and it's hard not to - he has had many life experiences that are exciting and interesting, waiting to be heard. And you can always count on a great sense of humor to accompany all of the above.

My dad is very generous. He is willing to do things to help other people, from giving detailed financial advice, to editing Doctorate papers for old friends, to writing and rewriting resumes, to donating financially to good causes, to baby sitting grandkids and cheering on little leaguers!

My dad is very special to me and I hope he knows how much I love him! He's started working out at the gym lately and looks amazing. I'm so glad too - because I selfishly hope it will extend his life . . . I'd love many more birthdays with my dad! He's pictured above holding the Red Dog at the beach this past spring. Happy Birthday Daddy!

What are the chances that my younger brother Matt would marry a gal who shared my dad's birthday? I don't know what the odds are, but to Matt I say "Thanks!" - first for making it easier to remember her birthday, and second for marrying someone whom I adore and consider one of my best friends. Mindy is one of those super friendly people who makes everyone smile (see me in above picture, although she may have been squeezing my tush).

She is uber talented, very poised, well spoken, well read, super smart, quite funny and very, very crafty -- not cheesy crafty, more like ultra cool crafty -- ie. jewelry making, Martha Stewart copying, can out do anyone's clever idea and make it better crafty. Mindy is stylish and gorgeous. She always looks fabulous and we all know it's not just because of that amazing red hair. Even though for years it has been said that her red hair is her crowning glory, it only took me a short time to realize that Mindy's personality and spirit are her true crowning glory. The red hair and flawless skin are just bonuses to her beauty!

This girl is just top notch! (did I mention she can knock out a show tune with jazz hands and saucy dance moves at a moment's notice?)Though she may kill me for putting this picture on the blog, I must quickly remind her that my choices were limited and it was this or "Dog Hair Days In Paris" or "Pregnant Mindy With The Sisters . . . And I Don't Mean Me and Audrey". I picked well - right? Happy Birthday Mindy! I love you.
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