September 7, 2007

Sixteen Years Ago . . .

Sixteen years ago this month, I was in the best shape of my life. I was a Senior at Heidelberg High School and a starting player on the Varsity Volleyball team. I could crank out sit ups, push ups, jump rope for extended periods time, and roll and dive around the floor like it was nobody's business. I was young, I had a love for the sport and my body did whatever I told it to. (In hindsight, what a miracle.)

Fast forward to 2007 - last night, to be exact - when that dear friend we call reality struck in me on the backside as I left a volleyball match. As a little birthday treat, I met my dad at the local highschool where the home team was being coached by none other than MY HIGHSCHOOL VOLLEYBALL COACH Rich Bennett.

We enjoyed watching and cheering his team on, even though we had to get some clarification about all the new rules of volleyball. I'm from the old school - remember back when it was three games to 15 points? The games were exciting, fast paced and really just took me right back to high school!

After the match we spent a few minutes chatting with Coach Bennett. One of his current players approached him to ask a question. He excitedly introduced me as one of his former players. I said hello to the cute young teenager, secretly thinking maybe she was maybe admiring me, until Coach Bennett said, "Samantha graduated from high school the year you were born." OUCH.

We said our goodbyes and I slowly turned and marched my ancient dinosaur bones out of the gym filled with young people who weren't already totally extinct.
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The Carlsons said...

You look as young as ever with better hair! I make a general rule not to ask my YW what year they were born :-) Love ya! A

Rachael said...

I agree with Audrey on the young as ever point. And I want to comment on the ear piercing. I like the suprise approach! Never thought about that. And we'd thought about the earrings eclipsing the baptism as well...I like your thinking!!!