September 5, 2007

Maam, You're Not Going To Like This . . .

After sitting at Costco for 2 1/2 hours this morning (yes, I wandered the aisles AND bought $150 worth of stuff I didn't need) this is what the nice man in the tire shop said as he handed me my car keys.

"Maam, you're not going to like this."

I don't think I need to mention this isn't a good way to start a conversation with someone who's been waiting 2 1/2 hours to have a little leak fixed in a tire! Turns out it wasn't a leak in the tire after all, but a cracked rim instead. The nice Costco tire man took off the bad tire for me and now I'm riding around on a dinky little spare tire, which gives the van a nice ghetto look.

And thus we have perfectly illustrated, once again, why in this marriage at least, the woman should be excluded from doing anything that involves the fixing of cars. The Hubby would have handled the entire ordeal brilliantly. I, on the other hand, went home frustrated and feeling as deflated as my poor tire.

Tire man was right - I didn't like it one bit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Its called the "costco suprise"

You always get it at check out when you go there.