September 4, 2007

A Milestone for Hannah . . .

Our sweet Hannah got her ears pierced a week ago today! I didn't want to blog about it right away, because I secretly feared her ears would be infected within days and she'd want to quit it altogether, but here we are one week later and both Hannah and her ears are doing great!

We were at the mall last week to shop at the Children's Place - where I must mention the sales associate gave me an additional 25% off my already 25% coupon since he could tell I didn't want to come back on Labor Day with my three psychotic children for the sale - how nice is that?! As we left, we passed Claire's Boutique (seriously, though, I think I shopped there as a teeny bopper!) and I just asked her if she'd like to get her ears pierced. She froze in her place, turned to me with wide, eager eyes and said, "Really? Are you serious? YESSSS!!!" (fist pumping in midair)

Travis and I had already decided jointly that around age eight would be a good time for her to get her ears pierced because we both felt like she needed something to be responsible for, and we can't handle another fish! We didn't however, want the piercing of the ears to take focus away from the really big even that will happen near her birthday in November - her baptism! So, we thought taking a casual, surprise approach might work better. The timing was right and she was ready.

Hannah and I agreed on the least expensive ($30 a pop!) smallest, most plain earrings available - a tiny white gold ball. She was doing really great until the lady put the gun up to her ear and Chris chimed in with, "It will probably feel something like a knife going through your ear." Hannah panicked for a second, then summoned all her bravery, sqeezed my hand tightly and closed her eyes. Then it was done. Well, the first ear anyway! The second was harder, because she knew what to expect as far as pain. Overall, she did really great.

We've come to an agreement that after the eight weeks of thrice-a-day cleaning and turning, she may take out her little earrings and can then wear other little earrings. No dangling earrings, no hoop earrings, nothing that makes her look like she's trying to be 16. I'm on the hunt for cute GIRL earrings, like butterflies, ladybugs, rainbows, etc. So, Hannah asked me to take her picture and put it on the blog. Here she is - such a sweet and cute girl and now a girl with earrings!
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TracieCarter said...

Man, she looks like Travis! What a fun surprise! You ROCK at the Supermom business!

Unknown said...

Way to go Hannah! Congrats!

The Carlsons said...

Great picture of Hannah! However I prefer the one of her looking like a monkey! Breakfast looked yummy!