September 3, 2007

On The Last Day Of Summer Vacation

On the last day of summer vacation, something big should happen -- Right? We'll we did our something big this morning when we packed up the entire Lee clan and headed down to the "Leesburg Restaurant". You can't really appreciate how special that is unless you can read the fine print on the sign above the restaurant, which reads "Since 1865"!

Word on the streets of Leesburg is that this place has some tastey food. Believe me, looks can be decieving and I had my doubts because it looks like a complete dump, but was willing to give it a try. Our first attempt was Friday night as we continued our four-year long quest to continually try local eateries we have never been to. When we got to the restaurant, their power had just gone out, so our efforts were thwarted.

No electrical outage was going to keep us from trying again, and today we succeeded! The restaurant looks like it's straight out of the movies, soda fountain like bar and all! The booths were tiny, but we all squeezed in and the wait staff (mostly teenagers) were fast, friendly and funny too. The best part of all though, was when our breakfast arrived and we chowed down on some seriously fluffy buttermilk pancakes, delicious french toast with a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg and the crispiest bacon ever. YUMMMMMMM. We'll definitely pay another visit to one of Leesburg's oldest and finest - but maybe next time it will be for Sundaes and Pie!

We've gone to the pool one last time and tonight we will seal the deal with "End of Summer S'mores" with our neighbors before we send to the kids to bed and jump for joy that school starts tomorrow.

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1 comment:

Tobi said...

Great pictures! You have a gorgeous family. Having one final 'HUZZAH' before the kids head off to school is a super idea.

Tobi Wilkinson