September 1, 2007

Five Reasons Today is a Great Day . . .

Today the five fabulous Wilkinson Quintuplets come home to Austin, Texas! (My cousin and his wife are the amazing parents.) Congratulations babies and mom and dad! What a huge journey it has already been . . . and you've only just started!

The quints are four weeks old and are as cute as can be and doing really well. Just to put it all into perspective for those of us who only have one baby at a time, I've added a picture that Rachelle posted on her blog. THAT IS ONLY ONE DAY'S WORTH OF BOTTLES, PEOPLE!!!!

It is a great day for our whole family to know that these babies are home, safe and healthy. Heavenly Father answers prayers! Viva la Baby! Baby! Baby! Baby! Baby!


Selene said...

I was so surprised to see this picture. I was Googling my cousin Jennie for fun and your blog came up. I instantly recognized the picture because the Wilkinsons live in my ward here in Cedar Park. Weird.

Unknown said...

maaa maaaa. maa maaaaa.

That is a crazy number of bottles for one day.

The Dragonfly said...

selene - small world! (Especially in the church)Thanks to all in your ward for the help you're giving the Wilkinsons . . . since they have no family around YOU ARE THEIR FAMILY!