August 31, 2007

The Biggest Loser (not the TV show) . . .


Every once in a while I get my act together and seem like a really organized mom. Last night after attending Back 2 School Nite twice (once for Chris' class, once for Hannah's) I came home, thrilled about their teachers, excited for the new school year and ready to jump in!

I then spent the next two hours filling out paperwork, signing up for volunteer schedules, reading policies and procedures and making a list of things to get for the teachers/classrooms - wipes, antibacterial hand sanitzer, Kleenex, bandaids, etc.

I had everybody ready to go at 8:30 this morning so we could zip over to Target/Costco, buy all of the above items and zip over to the Open House at the school for the kids to meet their teachers. Just think how impressive I would be, having already filled out all the paperwork from last night and purchased the much needed items requested by teachers! HA!

We got to the school at 10:10 - approximately 10 minutes AFTER the Open House was over. I AM THE BIGGEST LOSER. My kids didn't get to meet their teachers, didn't get to see who's who in their class, didn't get to do the "dry run" navigating to their new rooms, didn't get to do the whole school supply thing. What's worse is I could see the disappointment on their faces, and knew that I was completely, utterly responsible. UGGGGGGGG!!!!

Where in my pea sized brain did I not register 10:00? For some reason, 11:00 sounded right to me. Now I have bags full of supplies that the kids aren't going to be able to get to school and I just really feel like a super big LOSER.

Trying to be organized isn't working for me right now. Yeah, I'm going to take a break from that.


Unknown said...

Try forgetting Daylight savings ended (or started, I really don't remember) and showing up 1 hour early to a Priesthood Meeting at 6:00 am instead of 7:00 am on a saturday.


The Dragonfly said...

At least you made it to your meeting. Better early than late I say!

chelsea said...

as long as you dont leave them to be the last kid to be picked up at the end of the day, i think they will be ok! that was the most horrible thing ever!!

thank you for the comment :)

Rachael said...

Samantha! I'm sorry for you! At least it wasn't something that an icecream cone couldn't fix or that they'll be talking about in therapy when they're 27!
I have a question: I read a blog of yours a while back, and it sounds like you have themed days of the week for your kids. Would you mind telling me more about that? And, oh, I love alliteration!