August 30, 2007

What We Eat In Summer . . .

Here's another reason why I'm sad the summer is drawing to a close: WATERMELON! I caught three really cute freckled kids chowing down on slices on my front porch the other day.
I am a super huge fan of summertime cooking. We grill our food at least five nights a week and gorge ourselves on the summer's best fruits, like fresh berries, melons and of course peaches! We live on delicious salads, grilled meats and veggies and fruit!
It is always hard for me to prepare myself for the winter when many of these summer favorites are not available (or are astronomically priced, but available) in stores. It is so much easier for me and one particular eater in my family, to have the tried and true formula of summertime meals - that grilled protein, a steamed fresh veggie or salad, and loads and loads of chopped fruit.
Any suggestions on great meal ideas, speak up now! I'd love to know. (Please excuse strange spacing in this post . . . blogger is bugging me right now! Can't figure out what's going on.)

1 comment:

TracieCarter said...

These are SERIOUSLY cute kids!!! I super-heart closeup pictures of kids that show off their fabulous skin! Well done!

My little fruitarian, McKay, is my new summer inspiration for loading us all up on wonderful fresh fruit non-stop. The kid would live on grapes, watermelon, and bananas if I let him. Give me peaches or give me death, I say!