August 28, 2007

Supagrumpy . . .

To my five loyal readers . . . I am sorry that I have not posted in almost a week. Do not feel sad, lonely and lost without me. I know you are not worried, because none of you have called me or left comments on the blog. (Big ahem there!)

I can only blame my lack of blogability on the fact that this is the week from H*** (quick nod to the dark and evil underworld). It is the week before school starts. It is the week that baseball and softball practice begin for the wee ones. It is the week of haircuts, new shirts, new shoes and new underwear! It is the week of waking small children at unnatural hours to prepare them for the arrival of the school bus come Tuesday, and therefore it is also the week of nazi-like enforcement of the 8:00 bedtime. It is the week of resumed piano lessons (read: resumed whining, weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth). It is the week of the calendar filling up again with reckless abandon, causing a pit to form in my stomach as I realize that summer is really over and we are back to -- LIFE.

Therefore, I am having a hard time falling asleep at night, my mind racing, which results in one supagrumpy, yelling mom in the morning and kids with ultra bad attitudes. THAT BUS CANNOT GET HERE SOON ENOUGH.

This is the part of summer I hate - the part where my kids and I realize that despite all of the truly great fun we've had together over the past 2 1/2 months, it is time for us to have a separation so we can like eachother again. It is the end of summer funk. And it has resulted in a Dragonfly Blog funk.

So if you want me to buck up and become my usual self, here to amuse you with witty dialogue and inspiring prose . . . leave a comment and pray I can get some sleep.


The Carlsons said...

You are too funny! Can't wait to chat when I get home.

TracieCarter said...

One for you, one for me :) Missed you at the pool today but figured you were in school prep mode and all the aforementioned "fun". You ROCK and still make me laugh on a bad blogger day!