August 15, 2007

Tag - You're It!

So today I am going to attempt my first blog "tag". If I'm understanding this correctly, it is the blog equivalent of sending one of those annoying emails to your friends where they have to fill out a bunch of information about themselves and then pass it on to other friends. In the blogosphere however, I can just name a few of my blogging friends on MY blog, and then they have to answer the questions on THEIR blog. Fun - right? We'll see how it goes.

Thinking about myself in 3's:

3 Reasons To Love 3:
My three kids.
Three ingredients in Rice Crispy treats.
Three Vampire books from Stephenie Meyer.

3 Things I Love:
The Hubby
The Church
My kids

3 Things I Miss:
Going to the gym
Living near my friend Scharman
Alias (we're talking new episodes, people)

3 People Who Make Me Laugh:
The Hubby
Ronalin Meck
Steve Carrell

3 Things That Scare Me:
Dark Parking Lots
Car Accidents

3 Things On My Desk:
An empty cereal bowl
A picture of me and Red Dog
A digital camera

3 Things I Still Want To Do In Life:
Travel to far and exotic places with the Hubby
Learn to sew for real
See my kids married in the temple

3 Things I Can Do:
Play piano (marginally)
Make great salads
Dabble in Graphic Design

3 Things I Can't Do:
Carry a tune in a bucket
Ever love a cat
Drive a stick shift car

3 Things I Regret:
Not having a better relationship with my grandparents.
The major I chose in college.
That I quit writing in my journal when I started having kids.

3 Favorite TV Shows From Childhood:
Cosby Show
A Team
Family Ties

3 People I Tag With This Blog:


Emily said...

I love what you did to the top part of your blog. Looks GREAT!

Pinspot said...

"Ever love a cat" made me laugh out loud!