August 16, 2007

Nickname Knowledge . . .

A couple of people have recently asked me why we Soren was given the nickname "Red Dog". C'mon people! Isn't it obvious?

I'm always a little stunned when people can't see the hint of red still left in his hair. Most people don't believe me when I tell them he was born with red hair. Because our other two are such blondies, Soren always gets lumped into that hair color category too - without even the courtesy "strawberry blond" mentioned!
The whole scenario makes me sad for two reasons: First, I've been dying to have a red-headed baby since the minute I married the Hubby with his stunning red hair! With Soren, I thought I'd finally gotten my wish. Second, I think it's about time one of these kids gets passed off as looking like the Hubby, instead of instantly being a Samantha clone. (BTW, doesn't anyone recognize that Hannah looks JUST LIKE Travis' family?)

So, just to put this all to rest, I'm submitting this picture - for the record - (record being the blog) - for all to see, that indeed, our little Soren at some point in his life (around 7 mos.) was a tried and true redhead . . . or as he's known to us, Red Dog! So next time you see us - give a shout out to my little carrot top, won't you? Thanks.


Unknown said...

How do we know that picture was not digitally altered?

The Dragonfly said...

Because anyone who knows me knows that I'm not anywhere near tech savvy enough to do that good of a digital rendering! You're laughing right now Boan, because you know it's true. Only a Mac user could do that! :)

Pinspot said...

Wow, I can relate to this entry. I thought for sure Lou Lou was going to have red highlights... Did I ever tell you about the time my OBGYN asked me if Lou was going to be a redhead? I said, "I think she'll definitely have tints." OBGYN heard, "I think she'll definitely have TITS." I think that might be my most embarrassing moment.

The Carlsons said...

Mindy, that is the funniest thing I've ever heard. I'm sad for you that Soren has lost his red, I hate to say but you can't see it anymore but I do remember it there!!!!! Maybe next time!