August 14, 2007

Berry Pickin': Part Deux

Last night we hit Bob's Produce (site of early summer blueberry picking) for a Family Home Evening activity. I'm all for those "wholesome recreational activities" mentioned in the Proclamation On the Family!

This time, we had the entire family, Hubby included, and we went for blackberries and raspberries instead of blueberries. Once again, we were the only ones there. And once again, the kids had a really great time! The blackberries were humongous! (see pics) The raspberries were dainty, a purply red, and burst with tangy sweetness as we taste tested them right off the bush.

We've frozen all of our sweet treasures and already had a delicious salad tonight of mixed greens, red onions, gorgonzola cheese, candied pecans, and of course, raspberries. Tomorrow morning I'm going to devour a bowl of grape nuts with all three berries we've picked. Then next week were are going to go back and pick at least 5 more quarts and make some raspberry freezer jam.

I am sad when the raspberries come on for one reason - I know summer is coming to an end and I must send my wee ones back to school. Picking raspberries is part of our last hurrah before we must face real life again.

1 comment:

TracieCarter said...

I need to scoot on down to Bob's! I also NEED your salad recipe - especially your favorite dressings! I never know what dressings will be good and I'm a minimal dressing type of gal. Sounds sooooo YUMMY!!! You rock!