August 12, 2007

Kidspeak I Love . . .

I only have enough time for a super quick blog - but I had to sit down right now and write about something that's tickling my funny bone. I just love it when my kids, or any kids for that matter, say a word, but miss the actual word by just a few letters, replacing it with something that gives me the giggles.

My Hannah is the queen of this! Yesterday we were at a Primary activity at the church and she came running up to me with a picture she'd drawn at one of the stations. It had two people dressed in white and to the side was written, "Me Getting Bathtized." I didn't have the heart to correct her. Besides, I'm sure it does make perfect sense to a 7 year old that being baptized (at least in our church) is like taking a bath since you are completely immersed in the water.

Hannah also has fumbs instead of thumbs and a ton instead of a tongue. The Hubby and I usually exchange a quick humorous glance whenever she uses one of her special words. We love it and hope it doesn't change soon.

Soren surprised me today when he pointed to my face as I wiggled my eyebrows and told me I was doing the eyeBROWN wave. I asked him to point to his eyeBROWNS and sure enough his fingers landed right on his transparent eyebrows. I just nodded and confirmed, "Yes Red Dog, those are definitely your eyeBROWNS."

Little nuggets of joy, those kiddoes.

1 comment:

chelsea said...

reminds me of when i used to work with kids...everyday there was something to laugh about. wish we would have wrote them down. your kids are adorable!

here is the website i use to make all my slideshows. is good too!