August 6, 2007

I "Heart" Jane Austen . . .

Last summer I made it a goal to read and reread all of Jane Austen's novels. It was a really great summer with me and my romantic thoughts floating in the clouds. I drove the Hubby insane!

This summer, I am busy reading Harry Potter and Eclipse, the third vampire book by Stephenie Meyer . . . quite the departure from empire waisted dresses, proper etiquette and scandalous romance of the weatlthy vs. country bred British folk.

I did however pop over to the theater this weekend to see "Becoming Jane", a movie about the actual life of author Jane Austen. (Although much of the story is fictionalized, since so little is known about Jane Austen's life.) I highly recommend seeing this film. It was wonderful! Anne Hathaway does a fabulous job portraying the talented British author. Her accent is even very believable. But even more worth mentioning, in my mind, is the truly remarkable job done by James McEvoy, the Scottish gent who plays Tom LeFroy, Jane's love interest. His is one of those characters you hate in the beginning but adore in the end - and he's not bad to look at either!

So go check it out if you get a chance. It's rated PG - but I must warn you, there are some naked bums in the film - a surprise for a PG rating. Nevertheless, the Brits really know how to do these period pieces well. If you liked Pride & Predjudice, Sense and Sensibility, Emma or Persuasion, you will like this movie too. Enjoy!

1 comment:

TracieCarter said...

I Super Heart Jane Austen movies and books! I am soooo excited to go see this movie and glad to hear it was good. Who knows when I'll scoot on over to see it and Hairspray which I also heard was a definite girls night out flick! I love your blog and I'm trying to help increase that daily email traffic that must be urgently checked each day :)