August 7, 2007

A Real, Actual, Paying Job . . .

I haven't mentioned yet that while we were on our trip to Utah, the Hubby (read: Super Fabulous Awesome Man of My Life) lost his job. Lest you think he was singled out and systematically fired for bad behavior or poor work ethic - you must know that his entire company went under and every single person lost their job. With no severence. And no health insurance. UGGGGG.

But his fabulousness wasn't missed by all new prospective employers, and within two days he already had another job as a consultant for Sprint/Nextel. He is doing great work and we are glad that he didn't have to go through the very humbling experience of being unemployed again.

I also got a job - for one hour of one day - but a job nevertheless and doing something I absolutely loved! I got paid to help a friend from church make decorating decisions for her kitchen remodel in her basement! The Hubby immediately jumped the gun and told me, "You could do this for a living now. You know, be an interior designer." Whoa Buddy! I wouldn't go that far. But I do have to say that it was extremely gratifying to help somebody come to a decision that they couldn't reach on their own. I think it always helps to have someone to bounce ideas off of when there is a difficult choice to make. This sweet lady felt like she had to pay me to do something I love! It was really fun and for about an hour I imagined that I was Candice Olsen of Divine Design. LOL!

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