August 6, 2007

Uh Mom, I Need You!

I'm finding that the blog is a great way to catalog the funny kid moments that my children give me as little gifts in our day to day life. When I print this whole thing out at the end of the year and make it into some sort of journal , it will be great to look back and laugh at my hilarious kiddoes!

So, the other day I was sitting at the computer, catching up on some e-mail (who am I kidding - I get maybe three or four a day . . . if you are reading this blog, please email me so I feel a little better about this situation) and I heard this tiny voice say, "Mom?"

"What?" I answered.

"Uh Mom, I need you!."

I gave the usual reply of "Just a minute, RedDog." This usually proves effective in testing the urgency of the matter.

The next plea came just a little faster and with a tone of emergency , "But Mom, I need you now!"

This time, I jumped up from my seat and turned the corner from the office to find Soren just as you see him in the picture - stuck on the top of the bannister, arms and legs flailing, with no way to get down.

Before I could help him, I had to stop laughing and grab the camera for this quick photo op. After the rescue was complete, I asked him how he got up there, but now matter how hard we tried, he couldn't recreate the moment and get back up on that bannister. The RedDog is a pretty mellow kid - but this was one of those fabulously mischievious moments that kept a smile on my face for the rest of the day.

1 comment:

TracieCarter said...

HILARIOUS!!! I too find that I'm looking for those cute kid moments to share on my blog - although I've just had too much going on this past week to remember to write them down! PERFECT picture of such a silly thing. When you figure out how you're going to print your entries at the end of the year, let me know!