July 29, 2007

Slowly Recovering . . .

The trip must have seriously done us all in. We are already home a week and still struggling with getting up each morning (darn that two hour time difference), still wanting to stay up late, and still having absolutely zero energy to exist on. Therefore, the blogging is coming back very slowly. I decided I should probably finish folding all of the laundry from the trip before I sat my rear down and blogged a good lengthy one.

This will not be the lengthy one. What this blog will be is my first Top Ten List from the trip. Let me set it up for you. We had to fly into Las Vegas again this year so that we could drive up to Hurricane, Utah for the Hubby's grandma's 90th birthday celebration -- which was totally understandable seeing as how 90 is just an extremely huge birthday! But I have to put it out there, that if it were for any other reason, I would never, ever fly into Las Vegas. Never. Ever.

Now, I know there are plenty of people out there who simply love Las Vegas. I am not one of them. So, my first Top Ten List is :

Top Ten Reasons I Loathe Las Vegas
10. One hundred and eleven degrees . . . in the shade.
9. Woman with severe mullet yelling at her kids in the rental car place.
8. Chippendale dancers on the Jumbo Tron at the baggage claim in the airport. (and Hannah asking why they were dancing like that.)
7. Sharps needle containers in the airport bathrooms.
6. Slot machines everywhere you turn. (and Soren asking why he can't play that game.)
5. Leave it to Las Vegans to totally ruin the idea of "going with a theme".
4. Billboard encouraging people to skip work on Friday to come gamble on the strip.
3. Billboard with showgirl in G-string. (and Hannah asking why a woman's naked bottom is on that poster.)
2. Seedy, seedy people wasting millions of dollars on pointless gambling.
1. Gentlemen's clubs -- seriously, no gentleman would go in there.

Now, just so you don't think I am a horrible person, I do want you to know that there is one reason I love Las Vegas - it has an In N' Out Burger right on the way out of town from the airport. Bless you delicious hamburger for being my companion as I gladly left the city of Sin. :)

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