July 26, 2007

Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

I had a fear that all was lost. I returned from "THE SUMMER VACATION" with every intent to write again, only to find that Google had somehow taken over my little corner of the blogosphere and insisted that I remember usernames and passwords I came up with eons ago . . . does Google know what I have just been through? (Read: Flying cross country solo w/ the three kiddoes AND a layover in Chicago. More on that later.) I've already been home almost a week, and just figured out today how to get back onto the blog. Hallelujah!

Coming back to the blog after a three week hiatus is like seeing an old friend for the first time in a long time, or putting on that first really warm sweater in winter, or feeling the sun on your back for the first time in the summer. What I'm trying to say is that I've really missed ranting on this little "bloggie" and I am so glad to be back! Mostly because I find it has helped me to clear my head a bit. Also because I have so, so many things to report from my travels abroad to the vast lands of Utah!

Alas, all will have to wait until tomorrow, since it is nearing 11:00 pm and I must off to bed. I'm still pondering how I am going to write about all the happenings of my trip AND what's going on back in my Virginia life. I don't think I'll worry though - I'm sure I'll figure it all out now that the planets have alligned again and I can blog to my heart's content.

To quote Ren and Stimpey, "Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy!

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