July 30, 2007

A New Look . . .

Anyone who's ever been in my house knows that I suffer from a serious case of DADD. (Decorators Attention Deficit Disorder) I get bored so easily with the way things are arranged, and so at any given moment may just decide to mix it up a little and change things around a bit. It drives the Hubby crazy! He gets ready to sit down and turns around to realize that the chair he was about to sit in is gone - moved to another location altogether.

Some days he'll come home and just say, "Something's different. You moved something, didn't you?" I'll just grin and answer, "Yes, but WHAT did I move?" The challenge is then on for him to figure it out.

Now I've realized that it is the same way with the blog! I decided last night that the colors were just a little too washed out for me. I needed a change. Time to mix it up a bit. So, welcome to the new and improved blog. Let me know what you think of the new layout, won't you?

And you can also comment on these cute pictures of my peeps on the plane out to Utah! What great little travelers I have! They enjoy every second of being on an airplane, from eating the little bags of pretzels and wearing the ice cubes from the drinks as rings, to listening to the disgusting earphones that have touched at least ten other people's ears and putting the tray tables up and down, up and down. They each want a "cozy" (read: Ewww) airplane pillow and blanket, and they get very excited at the end of the flight to hand the pilot their fabulous drawings of 747s with "United" emblazoned on the tail. SUCK UPS! :) I love my kiddoes. (And the big guy in the picture too.)

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