July 31, 2007

Happy Quintuplet Day!!!

Say hello to the Wilkinson Quints (photos courtesy of Wilkinson Family)

My cousins Jayson and Rachelle Wilkinson had thier quintuplets this morning. Huge congratulations to them for not only delivering five beautiful babies, but for also breaking the world record for quintuplet combined birth weight. One of the quints was 5 lb 1 oz, another was 4 lb 15 oz - unheard of in this kind of a multiple birth, apparently. Way to go Rachelle!

Rachelle and Jayson are both amazing peolple. Please take the time to check out their website, http://www.wilkinsonquints.org/ and if you are able, donate in the "How You Can Help" section.

Our prayers are with Rustin, Ryder, Kassidee, Kadence and Kyndall as they start their adventure in the world. Happy Birthday!
Photo Below Courtesy of Dave Cruz


TracieCarter said...

I've been checking their website daily for a few weeks now. SIMPLY amazing birth weights and that she carried them so long!!! The video today had me tearing up and Ryan too! I just love babies!!! I'm also hooked on the Discovery Health show "Jon and Kate plus 8". Twins and sextuplets in four years!

chelsea said...

That is awesome!!! Her belly was absolutely huge!! It's amazing what God has given us the ability to do!