August 1, 2007

No One Sent Me The Memo . . .

Ever feel like you're out of the loop? That was me yesterday when I drove up to my own house and found a huge for sale sign in the middle of the yard. In the back of my mind I'm thinking, "Did the Hubby talk to me about this and I just don't remember? "

So I called the Hubby, who laughed hysterically and told me to call the Realty company listed on the sign and ask how much our house was going for. Before I did that, though, I had to know if this was some kind of cruel joke he was playing on me. He assured me that he'd had nothing to do with it.
Here's my conversation with Re/Max SupaRealtor (my title for realtors who have entire buses driving around town with their face and phone number plastered all over it) Sherry Wilson's office:

Me: Hi. I'm calling about a house for sale on Lawford Drive in Leesburg.

Receptionist: Oh great, we just listed that house today.

Me: Can you tell me the list price?

Receptionist: Yes, it's $475,000.

Me: Okay, now I know this is a joke because my house is worth at least $545,000.

Receptionist: I'm sorry?

Me: Well, the for sale sign is in my yard. But I'm not selling my house for that low of a price. Oh wait, did I mention I'M NOT SELLING MY HOUSE AT ALL???

Receptionist: I am so sorry maam. Blah, blah, blah. We'll have our sign people come and remove the sign right away.

That was yesterday at 2:00. I'm typing this at 9:34 the next morning - sign still in my yard. The best thing to come out of this funny little error is that all of our neighbors have called or come over in dismay because they've seen the sign in our yard. Other than that, it is getting old now because I can't mow my grass until they take the sign out.

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